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Should I be annoyed at being called racist?

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I'm new on here! I just wondered if I'm over reacting, what do u think? My best friend of 14 years was having night out and her hotel was in a questionable area and she would be walking back on her own. It never crossed my mind that the area is home to many nationalities, I just kno there is a drug problem there and people have been murdered so I was warning her to be careful and I'm not sure if she was showing off because there was other people with us but she went off at me and told me to stop speaking as I was offending her as even White people can be violent too. I was floored as I never even mentioned or implied it was a certain race who were trouble makers, I simply said just be careful. She hasn't spoke to me since and it's been over a month. I don't kno if to get in touch. Should I apologise or should she be the one apologising as I was very offended as I am no way racist. Found it very hurtful. What should I do?

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Found it very hurtful. What should I do?
Don't sweat over it, I've been called that and a lot worse on here. If it troubles you sufficiently perhaps a sensible conversation with your 'friend' about their view might be beneficial.
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Don't sweat over it, I've been called that and a lot worse on here. If it troubles you sufficiently perhaps a sensible conversation with your 'friend' about their view might be beneficial.


yeah but this is the internet and not real, people can call each other what tey want

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I'm new on here! I just wondered if I'm over reacting, what do u think? My best friend of 14 years was having night out and her hotel was in a questionable area and she would be walking back on her own. It never crossed my mind that the area is home to many nationalities, I just kno there is a drug problem there and people have been murdered so I was warning her to be careful and I'm not sure if she was showing off because there was other people with us but she went off at me and told me to stop speaking as I was offending her as even White people can be violent too. I was floored as I never even mentioned or implied it was a certain race who were trouble makers, I simply said just be careful. She hasn't spoke to me since and it's been over a month. I don't kno if to get in touch. Should I apologise or should she be the one apologising as I was very offended as I am no way racist. Found it very hurtful. What should I do?


What hotel was it? I can't really think of many that are in questionable areas.


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Upinwath I've read your other posts. U say pretty much same thing in every thread so as to attempt to get a rise out of people. It's soooooo boring. Some of us actually do want advice. Just don't post anything if u dont agree with a subject. Makes more sense

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