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Should I be annoyed at being called racist?

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That's entirely their choice what they choose to eat and avoid, but ranting incoherently about their reasons for doing so when those reasons are untrue is what we're discussing here-the EDL man was wrong and I doubt very much he'd familiarised himself with definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary.


Yes that also applies to Muslims but you appear very happy to support the labeling of food to benefit them, but appear completely against anyone that opposes this.



You and the EDL man said Christians can't eat halal food-they can and they can certainly eat Kingsmill bread, whatever their personal view on religiously slaughtered meat.

They are forbidden by their belief just the same as Muslims are forbidden by their beliefs from eating meat killed in the name of a false God. You appear happy to support the beliefs on one group but completely opposed to the beliefs of another group, why is that?



That has nothing to do with whether they can eat halal meat or not, Christians dont regard it as an act of worship if they do so.


Yes it does if they believe Allah to be a false God and many do.

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Yes that also applies to Muslims but you appear very happy to support the labeling of food to benefit them, but appear completely against anyone that opposes this.
I'm not supporting the labelling of food 'to benefit them', it's to benefit the producers of Kingsmill bread by increased profits, it's not a public service.


I'm simply responding to the ridiculous suggestion by the EDL and 'Boycott Halal', that Kingsmill have specifically created a loaf of bread to cater for Muslims



They are forbidden by their belief just the same as Muslims are forbidden by their beliefs from eating meat killed in the name of a false God. You appear happy to support the beliefs on one group but completely opposed to the beliefs of another group, why is that?





Yes it does if they believe Allah to be a false God and many do.


I'm not dictating what anyone should or shouldn't be able to eat or supporting one group above another-it's a free choice, but objecting so vehemently to a product that they've been eating for years just because the labelling's changed does sound a little daft don't you think?

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I'm not supporting the labelling of food 'to benefit them', it's to benefit the producers of Kingsmill bread by increased profits, it's not a public service.



I'm simply responding to the ridiculous suggestion by the EDL and 'Boycott Halal', that Kingsmill have specifically created a loaf of bread to cater for Muslims

I haven't come across that suggestion from the EDL so I can't comment on it.



I'm not dictating what anyone should or shouldn't be able to eat or supporting one group above another-it's a free choice, but objecting so vehemently to a product that they've been eating for years just because the labelling's changed does sound a little daft don't you think?


Does it say on the labeling that it hasn't changed, any reasonable person would think that the word halal indicated that it now contains products derived from animals killed according to Islamic laws.

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I haven't come across that suggestion from the EDL so I can't comment on it.
Well they were quite happily eating it before the labelling changed, why do you think their view changed?



Does it say on the labeling that it hasn't changed, any reasonable person would think that the word halal indicated that it now contains products derived from animals killed according to Islamic laws.

Any reasonable person would also see the bold label stating "Suitable for Vegetarians" and deduce that there were no animal derived ingredients in it. Failing that, if they were genuinely concerned they'd read the fine print on the packaging, or do a Google search just as I did.


But of course we know in the main EDL members are not reasonable people, they don't like Muslims or anything that associates itself with them. If they choose to not eat Kingsmill bread that's fine, I'd support their freedom to choose, but I don't support the propagation of lies being told to justify their reasons not to eat it.


The word Halal is like Kryptonite to an EDL member.


---------- Post added 12-03-2014 at 09:29 ----------




We are going to Wem-ber-lee, we are going to Wem-ber-lee...la, la, la, la! :P

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Well they were quite happily eating it before the labelling changed, why do you think their view changed?


Its not unusual for companies change the ingredients in their foods.


Any reasonable person would also see the bold label stating "Suitable for Vegetarians" and deduce that there were no animal derived ingredients in it. Failing that, if they were genuinely concerned they'd read the fine print on the packaging, or do a Google search just as I did.

I agree, hence the reason the word halal is unnecessary.



But of course we know in the main EDL members are not reasonable people, they don't like Muslims or anything that associates itself with them. If they choose to not eat Kingsmill bread that's fine, I'd support their freedom to choose, but I don't support the propagation of lies being told to justify their reasons not to eat it.


He didn't lie, he made an error that is easy to make and does apply to the vast majority of food labeled halal. Its unreasonable to label something to suit one group of people without giving a full definition of the word being used. Most people won't fully understand what the word halal means, and if they go by the English dictionary they will assume it means the food contains animal products.




Denoting or relating to meat prepared as prescribed by Muslim law:

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Its not unusual for companies change the ingredients in their foods.
But it is unusual to vent your spleen publicly about it when it hasn't actually happened.


I agree, hence the reason the word halal is unnecessary.

As I've said it's been used as a marketing device.




He didn't lie, he made an error that is easy to make and does apply to the vast majority of food labeled halal. Its unreasonable to label something to suit one group of people without giving a full definition of the word being used. Most people won't fully understand what the word halal means, and if they go by the English dictionary they will assume it means the food contains animal products.




Denoting or relating to meat prepared as prescribed by Muslim law:




...now we're getting somewhere 'Most people won't fully understand what the word halal means', now there's an understatement!


So why don't they become more acquainted with its meaning before forming a judgement about it and stating their view on national television?


I don't know what the word 'transextentionalism' means, so I wouldn't be advocating or deriding its importance to those who do and how it affects me without finding out a great deal more about it.

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But it is unusual to vent your spleen publicly about it when it hasn't actually happened.

No one as vented their spleen and it was a very easy mistake to make.









...now we're getting somewhere 'Most people won't fully understand what the word halal means', now there's an understatement!


So why don't they become more acquainted with its meaning before forming a judgement about it and stating their view on national television?



Why should they do anything other than look at the definition in an English dictionary. Why should everyone have to learn about Islam to make life easier for Muslims, it would be much simply if they integrated with us and not us integrating with them.


Halal is most often used when talking about meat, therefor most people will think there is meat in a product that says it's halal. Its not that difficult to understand yet you seam unable to grasp the concept.

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Why should they do anything other than look at the definition in an English dictionary. Why should everyone have to learn about Islam to make life easier for Muslims, it would be much simply if they integrated with us and not us integrating with them.

Who's saying everyone should be learning about Islam to make life easier for Muslims? I don't think it will bother Muslims who eats Kingsmill bread.


I'm trying to make life easier for EDL members whose position is founded on lies and misconceptions..living in ignorance isn't necessarily bliss.


Halal is most often used when talking about meat, therefor most people will think there is meat in a product that says it's halal. Its not that difficult to understand yet you seam unable to grasp the concept.

Oh I grasp the concept ok, but you still seem to be missing mine. Everyone has a free choice in what they eat, for whatever reasons they like.


My interest was provoked by an EDL member frothing at the mouth about a loaf of bread he had in his house, even though the packet was half empty, so he can't have hated eating it that much!

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My interest was provoked by an EDL member frothing at the mouth about a loaf of bread he had in his house, even though the packet was half empty, so he can't have hated eating it that much!


Ivanava has taken up his cause and is now carrying the torch of outrage and indignity..sweats a lot too I bet.

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