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Should I be annoyed at being called racist?

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Why is it ALWAYS about the pork ? Why can't we talk about the chicken ?

That is what I like to know. Seriously.


Do you guys wanna talk about chicken feet? :hihi:

I am semi-serious about that.


Muslims see porky as filth. People who eat pork are filth by default. I think the swivels see that as synonymous. oink! oink!

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I know and Muslims should also know what is permissible, so it shouldn't need labeling should it.


It needs labeling because there are many additives that are made from animal products.

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I know and Muslims should also know what is permissible, so it shouldn't need labeling should it.


My doctor, my pharmacist and myself knows what is or isn't permissible..doesn't stop them labelling my prescriptions.

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Muslims see porky as filth. People who eat pork are filth by default. I think the swivels see that as synonymous. oink! oink!


Which Muslims see pork as filth?


Also "People who eat pork are filth by default" is a massive, and inflammatory leap. You do know that Christians aren't supposed to eat Pork don't you?


By ending your post with "oink oink" you sound crass and offensive.

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It needs labeling because there are many additives that are made from animal products.


Yes I know, it is what I was saying when you interrupted with this.

Halal doesn't only refer to meat, halal means permissible.


So Muslims should only need it labeling if it contains animal produce, so its reasonable that that it does contain animal produce if it is labeled halal, and some Christians won't eat it because they belief the animal was killed in the name of a false God.

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I'd crawl back into whatever hole I'd slithered out of and stop using forums to back up stupid ideas.


Yet another one post wonder with a "not race" topic.


That's a bit harsh!


It may be a genuine post. Everyone's got to start somewhere, regardless of topic.


Time (& posts), will tell.

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Which Muslims see pork as filth?


Also "People who eat pork are filth by default" is a massive, and inflammatory leap. You do know that Christians aren't supposed to eat Pork don't you?


By ending your post with "oink oink" you sound crass and offensive.


Are you sure ? How come Ham is almost a Christmas food item, and Ham is also another staple diet in this country and we are still classed as a Christian country. How does that work then ? I have never heard about Christianity not allowing pork into their diet. This is new to me.

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Which Muslims see pork as filth?


Also "People who eat pork are filth by default" is a massive, and inflammatory leap. You do know that Christians aren't supposed to eat Pork don't you?


By ending your post with "oink oink" you sound crass and offensive.


Read it again...then again, and possibly again after that.

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