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A little known fact about Macdonalds.


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Did you know, well i didn't anyway.


That all customers have to purchase food or drink from a MAcD's to use use the tables etc - not unusual.


However all there staff are allowed to eat any food or drink in the restaraunt.So they can sell you fatty foods(which i do eat) but can elect to eat their own dietary requirements in full view of the public.

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If you don't me asking, where exactly did you find this "little known fact"?

I worked part time in McD's for several years doing my A-levels and degree, and never once were any of us allowed to eat any of our food (or theirs!) in the restaurant.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I just never knew about this. In fact, they were quite strict that everyone ate in the staff room.


As for what we ate, when I worked there I very rarely ate there - I either took my own food or made a salad roll. Although some people do, you can hardly expect everyone who works there to eat McDonalds every day.

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i rang MacD's head office today 'cos an employee @ CPekas insists on eating her sandwiches in the restaraunt every day.

just though it set a bad example to customers that won't/can't eat MacD's food.


f_g - there should be a staff canteen,surely.no other food outlet like these that i know let uniformed staff eat in the restaraunt.

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Originally posted by willman

i rang MacD's head office today 'cos an employee @ CPekas insists on eating her sandwiches in the restaraunt every day.

just though it set a bad example to customers that won't/can't eat MacD's food.


But why would someone who won't/can't eat MacD's food be in their restaraunt in the first place?


And as an adult do you really need someone to set an example for you? Can you not think for yourself? :suspect:

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Originally posted by willman

i rang MacD's head office today 'cos an employee @ CPekas insists on eating her sandwiches in the restaraunt every day.

just though it set a bad example to customers that won't/can't eat MacD's food.


f_g - there should be a staff canteen,surely.no other food outlet like these that i know let uniformed staff eat in the restaraunt.


so kids who go to school aren't allowed to eat sandwiches in their canteen? Of course they can eat what they want. your employer can;t make you eat their food and it is only sensible that they eat their lunches in the restaurant.

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Originally posted by robbie

so kids who go to school aren't allowed to eat sandwiches in their canteen? Of course they can eat what they want. your employer can;t make you eat their food and it is only sensible that they eat their lunches in the restaurant.



dont get your point.

you cant take abstract situations and expect them all to be the same.

what would you think to visiting a solicitors office & seeing ketchup stains on the deeds for your house.

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