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A little known fact about Macdonalds.


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Originally posted by robbie

no YOU don't get it.


employers sometimes like to treat their staff nicely and give them somewhere to eat. They can;'t dictate to them what they eat. so they let the use the restaurant and are not petty enough to ban their staff eating from other fast food outlets


dear God


i didnt want then to dictate.

i wanted to know why i cant eat kfc in macdonalds but the staff can.

simple really.

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Originally posted by J-Blaze

I don't think you'll find anyone offerin to someone who writes letters to a head office about something so ridiculous.:loopy::wow::huh::nono::roll:


never wrote to anyone.asked a simple question & was given a simple answer.the fact i dont agree with the answer was the reason for my posting.:wow:

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Originally posted by willman

i didnt want then to dictate.

i wanted to know why i cant eat kfc in macdonalds but the staff can.

simple really.


because you aren;t a member of staff. also you can't serve yourself or use the staff toilets.


get a job there

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Originally posted by robbie

because you aren;t a member of staff. also you can't serve yourself or use the staff toilets.


get a job there



i think you seriously miss the point of this post.


so i will leave you to your own misconceptions.

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the point being is that doesn;t it look bad that an organisation of restaurant chains' staff eat choose to eat products from outside that chain instead of their own products?


or that members of staff in a company aren't stuopid enough to each junk food every day (which I believe is no a view publicly heald by Mcdonalds)

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In my unenlightened and early twenties I worked in McD's in Paris.


After eating McD's fare 6 days a week, and that included mostly salads, for two weeks, my partner had to call out a Dr in the middle of the night as it had clogged up my whole sytem and had to be injected with valium. Be warned people, it bungs you up big stylie.

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Originally posted by willman

nothing apart from it infringes my human rights.

she can & i cant.


not fair is it.every time i go to macd's with someone i have to eat their food or go without.which means two visits to seperate establishments.



Human rights? You know what, I've been on this forum for three years and in that time I've read some crap, but I think this post is probably the most rediculous thing I have ever seen.


If you don't want to eat McDonalds food, don't go to McDonalds. There are lots of things members of staff are allowed to do which customers cannot do in any work place. If you come to my workplace, you will see I may eat my sandwiches at my desk, but you would not be welcome to eat at all in our premises. Does that breach your human rights too?


You wouldn't be allowed to park in the staff car park, or use our toilets or make personal telephone calls, or use our internet facility, or use our coffee machine. I can do all of those. Will you be taking us to court?


On the subject of human rights, I'm sure Amnisty International will be delighted to hear of your suffering.


:loopy: :loopy: :loopy:

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Originally posted by willman

your not meant to feed babies their little jar of heinz whilst u eat macd's even.


Wow...is Crystal Peaks McDs run by Adolf Hitler now? That's the first I ever heard of a McDs not allowing babies to be fed their food....in fact, in the 7 years that I worked for them I don't ever recall that policy being introduced...and even since I left, I have happily visited there and fed my son babyfood, with them even allowing me to take a spoon to use, just like they do with other parents.


The only reason I can think of them not allowing it is if you haven't bought anything yourself...not a paying customer, you don't use the facilities. Buy a cup of tea, then you are a paying customer, and can feed you baby all you like.


As for the staff eating what they want...I think the problem is down to the size of the staff facilities. Some restaurants (such as on the Moor) have a fair sized staff room. Others, such as Peaks, have the equivalent of a cardboard box for a staff room. If more than 2 people are in there at once, it can be very crowded. Hence, the staff will be found at such a restaurant eating on the dining area. They would eat elsewhere, but generally it is expected that, should it get suddenly busy, the member of staff will return to the serving/cooking to help out - thus they stay close by. The fact they are not eating McDs is not refective of the quality of the food, but more of the 'boredom' of eating it every day. Yeah, when you start work there you think "Wow, free meal each day!", but after a few weeks a Big Mac is just a Big Mac, a Chicken Sandwich sems bland, etc etc. So, you start bringing other food in for variety.


Better staff facilities would improve the situation, but the Crystal Peaks center only allows a certain size of building - hence no room for extension.

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