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Is Halloween Too Commercialised

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?? penny for the guy is bonfire night, and you walkround with a home made guy fawes effegy



Basically an anti Catholic demonstration which has been buttered up to be a thing that children do. But considering all the other traditions that go on in Britain in winter it is about the only thing that has anything to do with christianity. Even though it is just about burning one.

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It just teaches children to beg and be nasty to one another. No good comes of it.


Its one American thing I really wish hadnt caught on. I wasnt raised with it - mother would take us to the toy store and wed get a new toy, to placate the want of going out. She was British and thought it was a terrible day and didnt want to encourage it in her children. Im glad she did.

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It just teaches children to beg and be nasty to one another. No good comes of it.


Its one American thing I really wish hadnt caught on. I wasnt raised with it - mother would take us to the toy store and wed get a new toy, to placate the want of going out. She was British and thought it was a terrible day and didnt want to encourage it in her children. Im glad she did.


I hate it too but only because it reminds me the weathers getting cold, otherwise it's just a bit of fun for the kiddies, I love to see the little princesses and Darth Vaders running from house to house, gives them some run around freedom with their parents not far behind

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It just teaches children to beg and be nasty to one another. No good comes of it.


Its one American thing I really wish hadnt caught on. I wasnt raised with it - mother would take us to the toy store and wed get a new toy, to placate the want of going out. She was British and thought it was a terrible day and didnt want to encourage it in her children. Im glad she did.





You have a valid point. FACT


Sadly, in the real world, many are too scared to say anyhting for fear of upsetting the type that go around from door to door.


We feel that Bon fire night is good enough and we don't need Haloween night - waste of money for those that can, on the wholwe, least afford to spend.



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It just teaches children to beg and be nasty to one another. No good comes of it.


Its one American thing I really wish hadnt caught on..



It isn't an american thing though we were doing it in sheffield decades ago. Myself and my mates did it in the 1970s and 1980s. Our dad's generation didn't invent it and they were up to the same in the 1950s.

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hallowe'en - making a zombie graveyard in the back yard, full size zombies, maniacs and vampires, smoke machine, uv lights the whole shebang - kid will be a vampire bride, I'll be salad fingers (look on you tube if you don't know salad fingers) ridiculous but she'll remember it and so will I - love it.

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Been doing a bit of research on your behalf!!! :)


In America, avg sepnd is close to 200 dollars which equates to about 125 quid.


in the uk, we beleive that parents with 2/3 kids will spend about 400 quid.

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