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Is Halloween Too Commercialised

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Fer crying out loud what's wrong with allowing the kids to enjoy themselves occasionally?


Most of the Halloween stuff I see in stores is cheap junk imported from China which anyone except the very poor could reasonably afford


Our kids flew the coop years ago but I'll still probably buy a plastic skeleton that lights up and says "yarrrrggggghh" and hang it on the porch as well as a few giant packets of mixed treats for when the dressed up little blighters start pounding on the door bell


The accepted behaviour is if the porch light is on... knock on the door


If the porch light is off..... respect that person's wish and pass on to the next house.


We've never had any acts of vandalism committed (where we live anyway)


The only thing I've seen which seems to be a custom among American kids is to hang rolls of toilet paper over bushes and trees in front of their friends houses which is accepted as a friendly joke.






Please note we are not alone in our stance.

Many agree with us, fact!!!

What you or they see as a "friendly joke," may indeed be very distressing/hurtful/worrying/etc/etc, fact!!!


We have seen tv progs where kids where challenged re throwing eggs and stuff at peoples home and the resposne from the offenders was, "its a joke.2!!


Very sad indeed.

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razor blades in apples and sweets dipped in lsd used to be the old scare stories didn't they?


We always went with our kids when they did the rounds. We had a strict rule. No sweets or apples or anything else to be eaten until we got home and my wife and I went through them with a fine toothcomb.

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Please note we are not alone in our stance.

Many agree with us, fact!!!

What you or they see as a "friendly joke," may indeed be very distressing/hurtful/worrying/etc/etc, fact!!!We have seen tv progs where kids where challenged re throwing eggs and stuff at peoples home and the resposne from the offenders was, "its a joke.2!!


Very sad indeed.


I agree that acts of vandalism can be distressing but maybe the kids where I live are not the little monsters where you live. I imagine that this kind of behaviour is more predominant in a working class area of council flats and houses


As for draping toilet rolls over trees and bushes that's never regarded as a police matter. It's just a joke amongst kids who are friends.

Our local police would more than likely just laugh if anyone was upset enough to call them

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I agree that acts of vandalism can be distressing but maybe the kids where I live are not the little monsters where you live. I imagine that this kind of behaviour is more predominant in a working class area of council flats and houses


As for draping toilet rolls over trees and bushes that's never regarded as a police matter. It's just a joke amongst kids who are friends.

Our local police would more than likely just laugh if anyone was upset enough to call them





Re the "working class area," as we said before we lived in a well to do area of london NW3, proporties avg excess 500k there, we said it befire, kids travel to nice areas.

where we live know, it is realtively expensive, not even we could afford to buy or home at it present valuation.


Re the "police laugh,2 this is what the police used to do, but not no more. the law states if one is worried/harassed by someone, then they have a right to ploice action.


anyways, you enjoy and you have made fair comments



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It just teaches children to beg and be nasty to one another. No good comes of it.


Its one American thing I really wish hadnt caught on. I wasnt raised with it - mother would take us to the toy store and wed get a new toy, to placate the want of going out. She was British and thought it was a terrible day and didnt want to encourage it in her children. Im glad she did.


All you have to do is say, "No, I'm not gving you anything," you don't have to be nasty about it and call them scroungers and consider youself superior or whatever. If you don't want to participate in Halloween, then don't but why try and ruin it for other people?

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i really love halloween, the best time of the year for me, i enjoy it more than christmas! i love to see all the kids dressed up and getting together to do something fun for the night, i always take my kids trick or treating, my eldest is ten and still i wont let him go without an adult present, thats usually me as i do love halloween.


i just wish we could be more like america, when they celebrate halloween, they do it in style and push the boat out!



when i was young, round our area, we knew where all the elderly lived so we never visited them, mum always said "never knock on elderly peoples doors, they dont want it and you could scare them" so we never did!

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i really love halloween, the best time of the year for me, i enjoy it more than christmas! i love to see all the kids dressed up and getting together to do something fun for the night, i always take my kids trick or treating, my eldest is ten and still i wont let him go without an adult present, thats usually me as i do love halloween.


i just wish we could be more like america, when they celebrate halloween, they do it in style and push the boat out!



when i was young, round our area, we knew where all the elderly lived so we never visited them, mum always said "never knock on elderly peoples doors, they dont want it and you could scare them" so we never did!





Many thanks for the nice, caring, honest post!!





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