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I have an interview tomorrow - but i get so nervous..help!

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I have an interview tomorrow for a job I really really want, it's exactly my cup of tea. But I fall apart in interview situations and always come out thinking 'why didn't I just say that'. I've had a fair few interviews over the past couple of years and I always get feedback that I appear very nervous. I just really hate interview situations and feel that they just test your memory, not your knowledge.


I've done a lot of prep and am all prepared, I have researched the company and written down answers for possible questions. I know I can do this job. But please has anyone got any advice to come across a bit more confident?I worked at a place which really knocked my confidence and I've never really got over that.


The company are seeing 8 and I just don't know what to do to make myself stand out. It's through an agency and they said just to say that I'm not usually a nervous person but I'm really interested in the post. What do people think please? :help:

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Remember the employer is not the slightest bit interested in you or what you want. They only want to know how you can make money for their business.


Cynical, but accurate.


Hopefully your preparation has told you what the company wants and values. Make sure you have read the job description properly.


In the interview don't get flustered and rush. Before you answer a question take breath and prepare your answer before you start speaking.


Good luck.

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Eye contact, speak clear become as confident as you can and just think positive, before you go for a interview read through your notes deep breaths and go for it. You can only do your best, the worst that can happen is you dont get the job, there really is plenty more regardless of how bad you want that one.

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To be honest from a brutal point of view everyone is nervous as hell in an interview the fact that a previous company knocked your confidence isnt relevant whatsoever.


All you can do is go in talk the talk, walk the walk, the main thing to remember is think before you speak an interviewer wants to hear you say something they DO NOT care about who you are, how hard you will work, etc they care about one thing money. If they believe you have the ability to pull in the pounds you will have a good chance.

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You could take some prompt notes with you with some key words about the most important aspects of the job and how you would carry it out. Be focussed on what they want and how you could meet the criteria. Answer questions as if it is your job, for instance say 'as the sales manager I would bla bla' rather than tell them what you do currently.


Try and remember an experience when you felt confident and hang on to that feeling.


Good luck.

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