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I have an interview tomorrow - but i get so nervous..help!

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I have just been for an interview (I got the job!:D). I did a bit of research on the Company before I went,and wrote down a few questions which I could ask. I also took with me a few answers to the questions which they might ask me. I arrived in plenty of time, so I was not rushing around and getting flustered. I made sure I was very friendly, and smartly dressed.

When they asked at the end if I had any questions, I replied that they had pretty much covered everything, and I thanked them for their time.

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I have just been for an interview (I got the job!:D). I did a bit of research on the Company before I went,and wrote down a few questions which I could ask. I also took with me a few answers to the questions which they might ask me. I arrived in plenty of time, so I was not rushing around and getting flustered. I made sure I was very friendly, and smartly dressed.

When they asked at the end if I had any questions, I replied that they had pretty much covered everything, and I thanked them for their time.


Congratulations! I take it that you don't have a tattoo then?! :hihi:

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To the OP, make sure that you have plenty of examples at hand of work situations where you have used your own initiative, dealt with a difficult situation, problem solved etc (obviously tailor these to the person spec). The most obvious things to have prepared in advance are why you want the job and what skills you can bring to it. Speak clearly, don't rush your answers and don't be scared to ask them to repeat a question or pause before you give your considered response. I loathe interviews too, so you have my every sympathy. Good luck.

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Hi everybody

I had my interview and it went really well - except they are doing second interviews as they have so many for the first round. Hopefully will get a second! i had my notes but didn;t need them in the end, but it was nice to know they were there if I needed.

Thanks again!

SG x

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If you are offered a drink, use it as a prop when you need a second or two to think of a answer - just take a swig whilst you think:) Everyone is nervous in interviews - depending on what you are applying for, this shouldn't be a problem... Unless you are applying for a job which requires you to show no nerves - like sales, or a social support post... Nervous people won't be offered such jobs, and whilst it is true that they are not especially interested in you, they do need to see that you are reasonably easy to get along with...

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Many moons ago I was in a redundancy situation and, as part of the package we got redeployment training. I was recommended this book




It doesn't give you the answers to the questions (but certainly gives pointers) - but it did advise what questions are favourites and also what you should try to tell the interviewer(s).


One of the things that it mentioned was that many (not all) interviewers are not actually trained in interviewing so may not ask the correct questions. Therefore, if you can think of what qualities you think would be relevant to the position that you are going for, you can ensure that you get those points across in the interview.


Was there something in your last job that you devised that maybe saved the company some money or made a better working environment - or you simply did that little extra that wasn't expected. Or maybe in your spare time you do something that benefits those around you that has given you a skill that could be applied to the role that you are going for.


An interview is the time to blow your own trumpet. If the relevant questions don't come up, try to think of questions that they ask where you could 'tag' your little extra bits of 'look at me' on to.




PS - well done on getting through the first interview and good luck with the second.

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Hi everyone

Thanks for you all the advice. Just wanted to let you know that I got the job! :D :D :hihi:

Go me!


Hey, very well done. You'd probably have got it anyway, but a bit of help and support just gives that little bit extra confidence.


I really hope it all goes well for you.

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