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Smacking of children by parents to be banned..

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Hmm, if the Welsh are banning it, then it might happen in England I suppose!


I seem to have read in the newspapers in the past few weeks that this english goverment were considering to the return of corpral punishment back into schools. If they did this and then banned parents from punishing their children woud'nt it be double standards, it's either all or nothing.

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I seem to have read in the newspapers in the past few weeks that this english goverment were considering to the return of corpral punishment back into schools. If they did this and then banned parents from punishing their children woud'nt it be double standards, it's either all or nothing.


Bringing back the Cane? Won't happen, there's the HRA which won't let it for a start.

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I think the Welsh Assembly stop trying to tell parents how to be parents. There is already criminal law to presucute parents that beat their children, as opposed to just giving them a slap as chastisement, so a law to criminalise good parents that wish to discipline their children is unnecessary imo.


It doesn't criminalise disciplining children. It criminalises hitting them.

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It's a Kantian argument, nothing to do with left or right. No need to even bring politics into it.



A cross-party group
of assembly members will call for a legal defence of "legal chastisement" to be removed.


The Welsh government said it wanted to make physical punishment unacceptable by promoting "positive alternatives".


I get real tired of party politics on here. It ain't half dull.


There's every need to bring politics into it.

Stories about parental discipline like political correctness, Human Rights, & Health & Safety are often used as a stick by reactionaries to beat their opponents with. True or not, people believe it to be true and the Daily Mail & Sun are the purveyors of this crap. That's their reason for these tabloids existing.

Theresa May tried this tactic at Party Conference this year, till she was caught out by the truth.

This is a good website for exposing what the tabloids are upto http://www.mailwatch.co.uk/

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Allow me to clarify for not making it clear enough, it would criminalise parents who discipline their children by slapping them.

Not all violence is discipline though. Sometimes it is nothing more than the loss of control.


The kid I know who is smacked the most by his parents is the child who hits his parents back the most.

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There's every need to bring politics into it.

Stories about parental discipline like political correctness, Human Rights, & Health & Safety are often used as a stick by reactionaries to beat their opponents with. True or not, people believe it to be true and the Daily Mail & Sun are the purveyors of this crap. That's their reason for these tabloids existing.

Theresa May tried this tactic at Party Conference this year, till she was caught out by the truth.

This is a good website for exposing what the tabloids are upto http://www.mailwatch.co.uk/


Fine line was correct though. It is being put forward by four AMs. Two are Labour, one Plaid Cymru, one Lib Dem. All broadly left leaning.

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I dont think there is anything wrong with tapping a childs bottom. I would never do it regularly and never that hard that the skin would be red. A gentle tap. All the kids in my family have had a mixture of tapped bottoms, grounded, things taken off them etc... And all have grown up very well, polite, respectful adults. Some now have children of there own and are brought up the same, all doing well in school, confident and polite kids.

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Not all violence is discipline though. Sometimes it is nothing more than the loss of control.


The kid I know who is smacked the most by his parents is the child who hits his parents back the most.


My Bold.


And that's the problem, the kids hit back, and that's where the violence starts, the kid is punished by a slap, the kid slaps his Dad back, the Dad punishes him for hitting back, where does it all end?

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This another one of those issues where the ground swell of public opinion in favour of a ban just isn't there; on who's behalf is this being brought in?? it is the minority handwringing left, most of whom probably dont have kids, that scarily want to take away the responsibilty of both nurchuring and disciplining of children away from parents and to the state.


Labour have always been on a mission to destroy the traditional family and values.


What tosh! There is no evidence to suggest that the child beating debate is split along party lines or that the people who are against it don't have children.


If only the handringers who feel their 'rights' are being erroded if they can't hit children, showed the same concern for the widespread child abuse which takes place in this country, then they might be a bit more convincing that they are motivated by the children's welfare, rather than the convenience of using the easiest, laziest way of asserting authority. The one which is most frequently used by child abusers to take out their own frustration under the guise of 'discipline.'

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