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Smacking of children by parents to be banned..

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They wouldn't have intervened in a wife-beating case at the time either, so that's a rubbish argument

Actually, the analogy is quite apt. In the past it was considered perfectly fine to teach one's wife correct behaviour by beating her, and the state had no place to interfere in the family. Now we consider this view as brutal, but don't think the same for children.

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I think there is a fine line between discipline & abuse, I will be spanking my daughter if she misbehaves BUT only as a last resort.


I'd agree, the law would eliminate the "fine line". The fine line for you in measurable terms maybe 1 micron, for others it maybe 1 cm. The point of the law would be to blanket and eradicate the issue. I don't for one instance believe if the law was introduced it would effect those that discipline within reason though. Other species chastise their young.

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I'd agree, the law would eliminate the "fine line". The fine line for you in measurable terms maybe 1 micron, for others it maybe 1 cm. The point of the law would be to blanket and eradicate the issue. I don't for one instance believe if the law was introduced it would effect those that discipline within reason though. Other species chastise their young.


I also agree, though I don't think it right and proper to refer to the Welsh as a species.

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Actually, the analogy is quite apt. In the past it was considered perfectly fine to teach one's wife correct behaviour by beating her, and the state had no place to interfere in the family. Now we consider this view as brutal, but don't think the same for children.
The analogy is rubbish as no law change took place for the change to come about wrt wife beating. No law needs to be changed for the police to intervene in child abuse either. People who beat kids to death or half to death aren't going to stop doing so just because the rest of us are responsible enough to obey unnecessary laws


I'd rather my daughter learned that hurting the dog will result in a short sharp smack than the poor dog having to teach her himself - with more serious consequences. This is a situation that just isn't adequately addressed with naughty steps or stern words. Traumatising a child by removing her to her cot only teaches her fear of separation and is likely to cause more problems at bedtime. A short sharp smack is far easier for her to comprehend IN THIS SITUATION


PS - she's old enough to comprehend 'I won't feed you' as the reasoning for putting her feeding bib on her chair instead of throwing it on the floor and refusing to pick it up... or maybe she's just a beagle in disguise ;)

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Beating somebody up, whatever their age is wrong. If you get to that stage you've already lost the battle, the kids don't respect you...


I think if you are talking about beating a child then that is right the children won't respect the adult, but as i mentioned in my post previously I was given the odd smack - nothing big on the back of my legs/bottom when i was younger and it made me understand that what i had done was wrong and i respect my parents and anyone that is older than me. I have manners, and always say please/thankyou, i always hold the door for elders etc....which is something most young people today havent got a clue about

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The analogy is rubbish as no law change took place for the change to come about wrt wife beating. No law needs to be changed for the police to intervene in child abuse either. People who beat kids to death or half to death aren't going to stop doing so just because the rest of us are responsible enough to obey unnecessary laws


I'd rather my daughter learned that hurting the dog will result in a short sharp smack than the poor dog having to teach her himself - with more serious consequences. This is a situation that just isn't adequately addressed with naughty steps or stern words. Traumatising a child by removing her to her cot only teaches her fear of separation and is likely to cause more problems at bedtime. A short sharp smack is far easier for her to comprehend IN THIS SITUATION


PS - she's old enough to comprehend 'I won't feed you' as the reasoning for putting her feeding bib on her chair instead of throwing it on the floor and refusing to pick it up... or maybe she's just a beagle in disguise ;)


What anology? :huh:

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I think if you are talking about beating a child then that is right the children won't respect the adult, but as i mentioned in my post previously I was given the odd smack - nothing big on the back of my legs/bottom when i was younger and it made me understand that what i had done was wrong and i respect my parents and anyone that is older than me. I have manners, and always say please/thankyou, i always hold the door for elders etc....which is something most young people today havent got a clue about


I was a pain in the arse for my parents as a kid and they never touched me. I also say please, thank you and hold doors. So do my children. You got a smack, I got...a look! both seemed to work ok.


But there are some people who quite literally abuse their child and could use the present situation "I felt I was only disciplining them reasonably" as an excuse or mitigation.


I wonder if the proposals are being looked at because of higher degrees of reported child abuse?

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