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Isnt it funny how love can heal a person

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Isnt it funny how......love can heal a person.


Basically through my years ive been through alot, ive had various relatives die who i was very close 2 my grandad, and my dad, this broke me as a person so i got addicted to drugs and drink, i saw several councillors who couldnt help me because i was broken and didnt want help, i had alot of friends who wanted to help me over the years but i lost them because i didnt want a life i didnt want help i just wanted my life back how it was anyway alot and i mean alot of people tried to help me and failed.......then i met a girl (who im still with now) from day one i felt i could open up and say how i felt and be helped and within the space of a year she had transformed my life, i became happy again i still missed all of the people i lost but i felt i could live now, also from day one she made it clear the drugs wouldnt stick (admittly i had pretty much quit by then) but i doubt i would have kept that up, she also made me learn to love again and made me understand that the things i went through were just a process and not everyone i grow to love would leave me in the end.


The result as i see it is Im now a normal, happy person, i havent touched drugs in over 3 years i only drink now and again but it isnt excessive i know how to and DO love.

I basically went from being a broken, young, hurt, wreck to a hardworking, highly loved individual.

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