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Legal rights car problem

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We bought a car from a dealer in Mansfield. The day we got it, the washers would not work but funnily, when we called him, they decided to work. Then after that... stopped again. Anyway we thought minor problem, we'll sort it. Then we discovered the heater doesn't work- it just blows cold air. It was the only thing my OH didn't check as it was a warm late July day (silly I know), and then, in August, on our way to Cornwall, the entire display failed. No milo, no fuel gauge etc. The car was still running but obviously worrying when you have no speedo or anything. I called the dealer on the day we came home when it happened again. He reckoned that as we had had the car 6 wks or so, that it wasn't his problem. He did eventually offer to have an auto elec look at the display prob, but not the heaters (he admitted he hadn't checked the heaters before sale as it was warm?! We enquired about this on our return and he decided he would only go halves and we would have to book the car in for him to keep it a 'few days'. So we haven't done anything as we need the car despite it having no display 80% of the time, and no heat (nice since it's getting cold now and we have young kids too). After reading this thread, I am wondering if we have any rights? We did tell him about the washers on the day of sale, the heating we realised didn't work a week or two later but were caught up in wedding frenzy and it was warm, but the final straw was the display thing as it worried us. He even said himself it may all be linked (? elec problem?) but refuses to take responsibilty for anything. We feel cheated as the car we exchanged for it (straight swap), was 3 yrs newer, bigger, in better condition as far as the bodywork and interior were concerned. We only swapped for a bigger engine and diesel rather than petrol and I am sure he made a very decent profit. Feel very cheated!

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That is very interesting. In what way does it help the OP?


Could everyone stop talking about warranties, which 1) he didn't ask about, and 2) are irrelevant when the car has only been bought a few days.


Tosca - I would read the link supplied by steveh, it pretty much covers everything.


It doesn't- just posting a similar story on this thread in case anyone who helps the OP can help me too. But once again, you get beaten down for posting just about anything on here. By a mod, too. Dear me.. where does it end. Tell you what- use your almighty mod powers, delete the post I made. Feel better about yourself.

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He does have cover on a second hand car purchase. This site gives some very good information.



Quoted because this is the best advice you will get on this thread.


Speak to the dealer, give them a chance to put things right and if not successful then use this information.

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If you post off topic stuff, which it was as the OP is quite clear as to what he is after, then someone will point it out to you, yes.


If your post (and therefore mine, for quoting your post) does get deleted, it won't be by me because we don't moderate the threads we post in. You have been a member long enough to know that. The reason it would be deleted is because you cannot discuss moderating on the forum, it must be done via the HD, and again, you have been a member long enough to know that.


Understandably that person should know the rules, but I would also expect a moderator to have at least 'moderate' (excuse the pun) social skills. Something which you do not seem to possess. There's a difference between pointing out rules and being an ass

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Understandably that person should know the rules, but I would also expect a moderator to have at least 'moderate' (excuse the pun) social skills. Something which you do not seem to possess. There's a difference between pointing out rules and being an ass


Also while we're sticking the boot in, why do people who disapprove of a post, quote the whole damn thing? We have already read it once by the time we get to your post. Why do we need to see it again? :roll:


John X

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If you post off topic stuff, which it was as the OP is quite clear as to what he is after, then someone will point it out to you, yes.


If your post (and therefore mine, for quoting your post) does get deleted, it won't be by me because we don't moderate the threads we post in. You have been a member long enough to know that. The reason it would be deleted is because you cannot discuss moderating on the forum, it must be done via the HD, and again, you have been a member long enough to know that.


I've been a member on the forum for years, yes. My life does not revolve around it and I don't know the moderating 'rules' either. It's hardly off topic either, plenty of people post about similar stuff in one thread. And if you start a new one half the time it get's merged and you get 'told off'. May not have applied to this but in my eyes your response to my post was just a litle ego-boost for yourself, so you keep that and enjoy it.

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Understandably that person should know the rules, but I would also expect a moderator to have at least 'moderate' (excuse the pun) social skills. Something which you do not seem to possess. There's a difference between pointing out rules and being an ass


Know 'the rules'? I have a very similar problem to the OP, and posted on a thread to do with consumer rights after buying a used car... could have triggered me to start a new thread of my own which, no doubt, would have resulted in a ' please search' response. You can't win on here and I agree with you re: the social skills. :D

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