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What are you going to cut down on

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rising utility bills.cost of food going up,etc now they are telling us its going to be a very cold winter.

are you going to cut your cloth according to your needs? save a bit for a rainy day.

has anybody got any tips on how to save a few bob.?


cancel your internet and the money you save from that and your computer being off should cover it, otherwise stop complaining

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We see heating as a priority, especially now we're retired and at home more - it costs less than we'd spend on cigs if we still smoked. ;) Since I stopped work I haven't needed to buy many clothes, I hardly use the car any more, we cook quite a bit from scratch and we rarely waste any food.


We realise we're fortunate that we can continue as we are for now.

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It would appear most favour cutting back on clothes and household improvements. I'd personally recommend a jumper and lowering ones heating bill...


Buy a British made jumper (we do actually make clothes still), and stick two fingers up at the once nationalised, now privatised, yet subsidised gas and electricity providers.

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cancel your internet and the money you save from that and your computer being off should cover it, otherwise stop complaining


OUCH i felt that. yes i know i have been somewhat flippant.

that doesnt mean i dont care about those who are really feeling the pinch.


and no i wont cancel my internet.


and yes i do count my blessings,



hope you do to.

and anyway i'v only recently started going on to the flipping internet ,do allow me some pleasure.:)

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I bought a chainsaw, plenty of firewood around these parts.

I also stopped paying my bills.


I spent all my bill money on post dollar collapse supplies.


I dont have to pay my bills they are in my fake name not my god given name.


Im going freeman of the land.


See Yaa Queen Lizzy.

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Everyone talking about putting on a jumper and lowering their heating bills has obviously never lived in a really-badly insulated, cold house.


Last winter, during the snow, I spent all of the time I wasn't in the shower fully dressed, with a fluffy dressing gown on top, and for a couple of days actually worked from my bed because it was so bloody cold in here. Even with the heating on I could see my breath in the air.


Extra jumper. Ha.

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Everyone talking about putting on a jumper and lowering their heating bills has obviously never lived in a really-badly insulated, cold house.


Last winter, during the snow, I spent all of the time I wasn't in the shower fully dressed, with a fluffy dressing gown on top, and for a couple of days actually worked from my bed because it was so bloody cold in here. Even with the heating on I could see my breath in the air.


Extra jumper. Ha.


Sounds like winters in Scotland when I was a kid. No central heating, no double glazing just a coal fire - loads of socks and woollies. And hot water bottles at bedtime. The sheer luxury when my parents bought an electric blanket. :love:


Is your house badly insulated? Just wondering as you say its cold even with your heating on.

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The scary thing is,that since OH retired 6 yrs ago,we have cut spending down to the bone.


No holidays,booze,nights out,new clothes,ect ect,so there is nothing left to cut down on,although I suppose that we could stop eating,and so far,it is free to breathe.....don't tell the government,they may slap a tax on that!!


Yours,wrapped in three layers,next to the icy radiator,still freezing.


Is this what we worked so hard for all our lives,living in limbo,waiting to fall off this mortal coil??


Mind you,it will be warm in the crematorium.

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