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Mervyn King solves obesity epidemic!

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...........unemployed depressed and vegetating watching daytime TV etc, depression, mental health issues. Hey It's getting just like the 1980's all over again, but without the good music!

And it's all happened in the last 18 months eh?


Why did we ever get rid of Gordon Brown. Under his wise leadership, black and white, Christian and Muslim, all lived in peaceful cooperation. There were no unemployed, no hoodies, no stabbings, no widespread drug use and banks were tightly regulated and kept their accounts in order.


Just why did we get rid of him? :huh:


Gordon Brown 'worst Prime Minister ever' says Labour candidate



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And it's all happened in the last 18 months eh?


Why did we ever get rid of Gordon Brown. Under his wise leadership, black and white, Christian and Muslim, all lived in peaceful cooperation. There were no unemployed, no hoodies, no stabbings, no widespread drug use and banks were tightly regulated and kept their accounts in order.


Just why did we get rid of him? :huh:


Gordon Brown 'worst Prime Minister ever' says Labour candidate






'Owdo Barnsley Billl, It's got a whole lot worse since the ConDems got in! FACT.

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Mervyn King governor of the (private) Bank of England has kept interest rates at record lows to bail out the feckless who took on too much debt, particularly those whom bought property.


Inflation is running riot and the common man must pay for the feckless lending through higher food, fuel etc. prices., whilst banks, mortgagees and the parasitic buy to let brigade enjoy record low interest rates, everyone else suffers.


Mervyn King will solve the obesity epidemic, the only fat people left will be the bankers and spivs!


What do you suggest, that Merv hikes up inflation (well, as a collective decision) thus ensuring more people end up homeless when they lose their homes?

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