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Top 70&80s club group's


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A great band which springs to mind from that time was OCTOPUS. They were a southern based band but played South Yorks clubs on a regular basis. On a few ocassions they did a Sunday noon and night at Firth Park W.M.C. -- We were quite friendly with the band and after they had done their noon stint, they would go and grab some lunch somewhere, I would go home and have my sunday lunch, then we would all meet up (along with a few mates) in Firth Park near teatime. We would play football for a couple of hours, kicking seven bells of s**t out of each other, then we would go home, have a bath and then back to the club for the band's evening stint. The band would complain all night about their aches and pains, but it was all good fun. Happy days.

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