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How we kept warm in the winter!!

old tup

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, Tell young people today and they wouldn’t believe you.


hiya ,i remember all these things and some other things come to mind my mum would take the steel oven shelf or we had a firebrick all wrapped in an old wool blanket about half an hour before bed, when my dad was on night shift he would say to me have some sticks chopped and a bucket of coal ready for morning or don't expect a fire when tha gets up tummorra`for school i remember one winters bad snowfall when my grandparents who lived on the manor, they couldn't have a coal delivery so my mum and dad and me when i was only 8 or 9 take some coal for them by tram we had two big shopping bags and a small one for me, mums brother-in-law worked down the pit at the time and their fire was always really big in fact i'd see him walking around the house in trousers and a vest even when it was freezing outside.

when the cold weather started we would get our ganzies ,or overcoats out not like the youngsters today.was only saying yesterday to my granddaughters of the way we sat facing the open fire as warm as toast at the front and your back was as cold as ice,

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I rememeber having an oven plate wrapped up in a bit of old sheet, but I regularly put newspaper between the sheets, it made it a top coat warmer..

Hazel. I'm not sure if we haven't spoken many times before?....


Applegrim, Hi, i don't remember using newspapers between the sheets, but we did use an oven plate to warm to bed, ....by the way, how's your husband doing ?

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lol this is great reading and bringing back memories!..How the hell did we survive? I'm sat here now typing this with the heating on, lovely and warm..Back then I would be shivering in a bed with blankets and coats to keep warm and the huge shelf from the coal oven at me feet..When it was really cold or if anyone was ill mom had a coal fire going in the front bedroom, now that was nice and cosy..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Hazel, so glad to hear from you, I haven't been on here much at all over the last few years, but I've just explained to Poppins why, and I know you'll understand.

Other than that we ticking over as best we can, it has been very difficult as you can imagine.I hope you are well..Take care... A.

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Hi Poppins, lovely to hear from you again, unfortunatly Tony dies in March after 12 years of illness, no man deserved that, and as much as I miss him I truly can't wish him back to suffer anymore as much as I would love too.Thankyou for asking.....A


Applegrim, I've sent you a pm.

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lol this is great reading and bringing back memories!..How the hell did we survive? I'm sat here now typing this with the heating on, lovely and warm..Back then I would be shivering in a bed with blankets and coats to keep warm and the huge shelf from the coal oven at me feet..When it was really cold or if anyone was ill mom had a coal fire going in the front bedroom, now that was nice and cosy..


Dad used to make me a fire in the front bedroom when I was ill with tonsillitis, I used to share a pot hot water bottle with our Muriel. Nelly Dean our Muriel has just passed away last April, I hope your eldest brother is still going strong.

Keeping on topic, I remember us all huddled around the fire, you daren't go to the toilet, if you did you lost your seat. :hihi:

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