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Gilad Shalit back home in Israel

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Some of them won't have been terrorists. Israel is often a bit over-zealous when it comes to arresting those deemed a threat.



Oddly, I've heard pro-Israelis use this story to bolster their argument that the Palestinians are hopelessly unreasonable and that negotiation is pointless, because make such ridiculous demands that Israel has to give up vast amounts in order to achieve something tiny...


....and I've heard anti-Israelis use it to bolster their argument about how evil and disgusting Israel is, because they think one Israeli life is worth a thousand Palestinian ones. I wonder where the usual suspects on here will stand?

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A LOT, not just some, of those being released have serious blood on their hands and implicated in some of the worst attacks on Israelis. A fifth were serving life sentences.


I'm surprised at how well the Israeli public has taken it. Nearly all of my Israeli friends have serious reservations about it, but then they are probably not the typical Israeli public. The media campaign to gain Shalit's release has been very effective.


as the Arabs know well, there is pressure on the Israelis to get the bodies back to Israel, dead or alive for religous reasons - even seculars feel this. Hence the massive drive to get the bodies of dead Israelis like Eli Cohen and Ron Arad back. Israel will exchange prisoners for skeletons, and the Arabs know this.


if Olmert had offered 50 or 100 prisoners straight away for Shalit, they'd have accepted it, and Shalit wouldn't have had to endure 5 years in a dungeon. As it turned out they waited all that time and the price rose to 1,000.

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We have mixed feeling about this.

we are glad the young man is finally back with is family.

sadly, the thousand plus terrorists released is a high price indeed.

However, some of the prisoners the Israelis have released may repent and stop their vile war against innocent people.


We support Israel. However, we never support people or govs that try to fool their own people, ie the reason Israeli gov reasled more than a thousand was in part due to hammas demands, but importantly, it was used as a cover to realse 2/3 really vile crims that have big connects. By doing what the gov did, they are saying they just realsed foot soldiers.


We beleive that within the next month or two, Israel will get a second chance to remove from the palnet the really nasy ones they have realsed.



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The Palestians will show themselves up on this one and that's exactly what Israel wants. They're selling it as a victory for Hamas whilst they have a leader who wants to do things correctly via the UN. Well done people of Palestine. You have sided with hamas over your recognised leader.

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Over a 1000 terrorists ? - but we thought only 1 was released today ? - and in uniform too ? :confused:


The young chap who had been kidnapped was just some scrawny kid doing his military service. I suggest that if you are going to call him a terrorist you list what acts of terrorism you believe he committed. The terrorists that are being released have been convicted - this young man did nothing but his duty, so please do not call him a terrorist, it's beneath you and it makes you look like some crazed islamic supremacist.

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