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Gilad Shalit back home in Israel

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You Israeli supporter lot on here only see one side of the story...you always twist the story same as your Israeli masters ... you don’t see that those who were released today were in prison for 20 or even 34 years for some of them and who said there are killers they were tried by Israeli military courts so basically their enemy is the judge and the persecutor ...Did you even thought about those 1000 families or even the 9000 prisoners left in prison a lot of them who were children and who didn't see their families for years and years..

Shalit was in a land that belongs to Palestinians in the first place and in a war zone and he was kidnapped after a military operation. He, as he admitted in his interview today, said that his kidnappers treated him well and was taken care of. Now since when Israeli release prisoners on a good will gesture. NEVER...

only when there is a kidnap of soldiers then it bows in front of the kidnappers and make concessions...if Israel learn how to live in peace with its neighbours then those kidnappers won’t think to do such things... but it won’t be long before Israel will be on a rampage again of killing and kidnapping innocent civilians.. It is the Israeli Deed... just after the news of shalit release ,former IDF Rabbi called for Killing of Palestinian civilians in their bed so there is no prisoners taken and no need for releasing prisoners in an exchange in the future..SICK


Avihai Rontzki, who was the IDF’s chief rabbi during the massacre on Gaza 3 years ago known as Cast Lead, is the one quoted telling the IDF that they should show ‘no mercy’ upon Palestinian civilians during the ‘war’. He justified this by quoting from the Torah in the sections dealing with how the Israelites slew the inhabitants of the Holy Land in previous times. Therefore when he talks about killing “terrorists” in their beds as they sleep, we in the sane world must plug in a few variables in decoding this–he means kill EVERYONE and does not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, something that Israel does already whenever she goes on a bloodfest of Gentile killing.







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Glad Shalit is back with his family.


So do 1027 Palestinians prisoners today ...but some of them were expelled outside their lands and away from their families..and there is still 9000 Palestinians in prison including women and children..so hopefully they all will be reunited with their loved ones as shalit :)

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So do 1027 Palestinians prisoners today ...but some of them were expelled outside their lands and away from their families..and there is still 9000 Palestinians in prison including women and children..so hopefully they all will be reunited with their loved ones as shalit :)


Women and children eh? How come Hamas didn't give them priority when negotiating release of prisoners?

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Must read up on it.


for the Israelis, the get their body back, which like I said is very important to them. They like to get their people back home to Israel - preferably alive of course, but failing that, even dead bodies are worth negotiating for. Prisoners have been released in the past for only remains.


the Israelis got a big say as to where the released were going. Some of the West Banker mostly Fatah terrorists, who the Israelis feared might have caused trouble there if they just got plopped back home among their friends and familiars, instead find themselves having to start their new lives in Gaza, which is not their home, far from it, and where being likely Fatah, they are surrounded by their political rivals, Hamas. The Israelis will be watching how well the Palestinian 'family reunion' is going. The Fatah West Bankers can't easily get from there into the West Bank, to maybe make mischief again, even over months. They just can't get in, even with false papers. Even if they take a roundabout route, and fly to Amman from Cairo (if they can manage to get into Egypt) and then try to get over from Jordan, someone will probably recognise their face even if they paid $10,000 for fake docs in someone else's name. A lot of them are known. They've had their face in the Israeli newspapers, and on tv. They'll be recognised.


others are deemed too dangerous even to be taken to Gaza. They're going to get dumped outside Israel, into exile. They don't seem to have been released yet.


the political ramifications are much more difficult to analyse and comprehend. It seems the Israelis don't mind Hamas crowing 'victory', just so long as they put Abbas in his place for having the effrontery to make the noises about declaring UDI.

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Women and children eh? How come Hamas didn't give them priority when negotiating release of prisoners?


I understand from reading about this subject the priority was given to the older prisoners who spent very long time in prison ..obviously neither you or me were on the negotiating table..but what would be your reaction on the call to kill Palestinians in their bed instead of taking them prisoners?

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you're just inconsistent Shefflad and you don't realise how you betray your ignorance. You claim on the one hand, that 'real' religous Jews aren't Zionists - which is just nonsense - and then draw attention to some nut rabbi with no political power that is flaming up the situation to his marginal followers.


it's about time you made your mind up as to whether religous Jews are Zionists or not. If you were aquainted with the reality, rather than your obsession with the jewsagainstzionism.com nonsense, you'd know that despite Israel being an overwhelmingly secular country, just about all of its religous minority are very much Zionists.

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draw attention to some nut rabbi with no political power that is flaming up the situation to his marginal followers.


it's about time you made your mind up as to whether religous Jews are Zionists or not. If you were aquainted with the reality, rather than your obsession with the jewsagainstzionism.com nonsense, you'd know that despite Israel being an overwhelmingly secular country, just about all of its religous minority are very much Zionists.


Obviously you fail on every occasion and on every argument you make ..and it is funny whenever someone argue with you and you are not happy then you revert to name calling and start barking like a mad dog..


Direct from wikipedia your favourite source...

Rontzki is the former Chief Military Rabbi of the Israel Defence Forces. He served in the position from 2006 to 2010, with a rank of Brigadier General. His predecessor in that position was Rabbi Israel Weiss. Rontzki is also the rosh yeshiva of the Hesder Yeshiva in the West Bank settlement Itamar. His four years in office have led to several controversies.


So you admit the former Rabbi of the IDF is a nutter.. which am surprised and you are a strong supporter of those IDF nutters..


the thing you fail to see and for obvious reasons because you are blind folded with your ignorance and hatred to anything or anyone oppose Israeli interests ,that not all JEWS support your puppet state Israel and not all religious Jews are Zionists either... and the IDF Rabbi am talking about is a Zionist orthodox ... who is calling to exterminate Palestinians in their beds rather than taking them prisoners... which he did in cast lead operation when Israel IDF massacred and killed 1000+ of innocent civilians in cold blood following that nutter orders, as you described him..


If you are too thick to understand that ,then I cant help you

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nearly all secular Israelis, which comprise the massive majority of Israel's population, would probably opine that Rontzki is a loon.


Rabbi of the IDF is NOT a political role, and the Wiki article is wrong in that it states that Rontzki was in 'office'. This implies that he has or had a political/executive role like a cabinet minister in the UK has 'office', in his role as military rabbi, as if Israel is some sort of theocracy : when it is no such thing at all. Rontzki is longer military chief rabbi. When his term came to an end last year, the IDF top brass kicked him into the long grass for good for being a nuisance, and replaced with somebody else of a completely different chalk.

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nearly all secular Israelis, which comprise the massive majority of Israel's population, would probably opine that Rontzki is a loon.


Rabbi of the IDF is NOT a political role, and the Wiki article is wrong in that it states that Rontzki was in 'office'. This implies that he has or had a political/executive role like a cabinet minister in the UK has 'office', in his role as military rabbi, as if Israel is some sort of theocracy : when it is no such thing at all. Rontzki is longer military chief rabbi. When his term came to an end last year, the IDF top brass kicked him into the long grass for good for being a nuisance, and replaced with somebody else of a completely different chalk.


100% correct.

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