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Gilad Shalit back home in Israel

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I understand from reading about this subject the priority was given to the older prisoners who spent very long time in prison ..obviously neither you or me were on the negotiating table..but what would be your reaction on the call to kill Palestinians in their bed instead of taking them prisoners?


And what will you say when the Palestinians initiate the unprovoked firing of rockets into Israel again, like we all know they're going to? I suppose you think those nasty Jews deserve it huh?

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nearly all secular Israelis, which comprise the massive majority of Israel's population, would probably opine that Rontzki is a loon.


Rabbi of the IDF is NOT a political role, and the Wiki article is wrong in that it states that Rontzki was in 'office'. This implies that he has or had a political/executive role like a cabinet minister in the UK has 'office', in his role as military rabbi, as if Israel is some sort of theocracy : when it is no such thing at all. Rontzki is longer military chief rabbi. When his term came to an end last year, the IDF top brass kicked him into the long grass for good for being a nuisance, and replaced with somebody else of a completely different chalk.


Proof ?



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He wasn't exactly kicked out as callippo was suggesting; he was merely replaced because the IDF (and the Israeli government in general) were getting a bad rap from internal as well as external observers.


If nobody had said anything re. that vile, sick rabbi's words, he would have stayed where he was (i.e. in a position of extreme influence).


In short, that 'gesture' of appointing a different rabbi, was just to appease the critics, that's all. Nothing to do with the 'nice' nature of the brutal and murderous IDF.

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He wasn't exactly kicked out as callippo was suggesting; he was merely replaced because the IDF (and the Israeli government in general) were getting a bad rap from internal as well as external observers.


If nobody had said anything re. that vile, sick rabbi's words, he would have stayed where he was (i.e. in a position of extreme influence).


In short, that 'gesture' of appointing a different rabbi, was just to appease the critics, that's all. Nothing to do with the 'nice' nature of the brutal and murderous IDF.


The guy was appoited to try to get the ultra orthodox onside, it failed and he turned out to be even more bonkers that previously understood so he was got rid of and replaced by a moderate rabii which is what callippo said.


I know it's easy to cling to a cartoon view of the IDF as some evil nazi entity staffed by murderous baby killers but it's not actually true. Its a conscript army in which all Israeli citizens serve (except non-druze arabs and ultra orthodox jews). It spends as much time if not more dealing with the ultra othodox settlers who can't be bothered to serve but regularly attack the idf as it does with the palestians so the idea that the IDF is overall possitive towards the settler nutters is quite wrong. The IDF like all armies have on occaision been guilty of excesses, however for a young conscript army facing constant threat they are pretty damn well behaved.


Contrast the behaviour of the IDF with the almost standard practice of unbelievable brutality among Russian conscripts serving in Chechnya as an example, yet there is far more animus towards the IDF than the Russians from you.

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He is part of an organisation that represents terror. Is that good enough for you ?




Really ? - I find that very hard to believe. Just take a look at what Amnesty has said re. Palestinians held without charge :








Palestinian writer detained without charge by Israeli authorities






From Human Rights Watch :






(bear in mind the above is from last year; the figure has more than likely increased since)

The fact that Israel were prepared to release 1000 of their enemies in exchange for 1 of their own seems to negate your claims,Israel has proved with this exchange that they value human life its now up to the Palestinians who have been released to recognize this and stop to think about the blood they have on their hands it seems that contrary to Muslim beliefs ,Israel does have a heart ..a very big one

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someone also tried to make out that Shalit was 'treated well' in captivity, when he was in solitary confinement for five years and never saw another human face in all that time (as his jailers wore masks). He never received a single visit from the Red Cross.


whatever they've done, jail conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails are pretty much the same as they are in the west. Though it can be difficult for them to get visits from family members in the territories because of security considerations, if their relatives are Israeli they get regular visits same as anybody else. They have access to news and tv, in Arabic too although this should not be a surprise to anybody as Arabic is one of the official languages of Israel. They are held in good conditions in accordance with all international conventions including the Geneva Convention even though they are not classed as prisoners of war. More of them do educational courses including the very highest educational qualifications than Israeli 'common' criminals. Of course, the Israelis don't determine what courses they are allowed to do. If they want to study History of Islam for example, they can.


if Shalit had wanted to while away his time by studying the history of the Jewish people, all he'd have got was a few racist videos and a dog-eared copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (in Arabic).

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been watching the news - the jubilations and celbration by hammas - sick


many of the freed were behaving as though they are ready to kill innocent people again and surrender when challenged.


we hope there is peace


hamas want and need war.

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