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Small version of "The Independent"

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I read the tabloid version of the Indy in London a few weeks ago. While I can see the advantages of reading it on the train/tube etc. I actually prefer the broadsheet version and will probably stick with that.


Interesting that the Times have now followed suit and brought out a small version, I reckon they must have waited to see what happened with the Independent first.


I wonder how long it is before the other broadsheets follow?

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I've read the Independent (and IoS) for a number of years - I heard about the smaller version a while ago, but haven't bought one yet. I might have to give it a try - it'll save me from the inevitable tuts on the train on the way to work, when trying to turn the large pages of the normal edition! Although, I'm happy to stick with the broadsheet version on sunday.

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Originally posted by Dug

I read the tabloid version of the Indy in London a few weeks ago. While I can see the advantages of reading it on the train/tube etc. I actually prefer the broadsheet version and will probably stick with that.

So do you just prefer the size? Because the content is meant to be the same.

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Originally posted by Geoff

So do you just prefer the size? Because the content is meant to be the same.


Basically yes, creature of habit really.


Also the review section for the compact version is integrated into the main paper rather than separate with the broadsheet (I prefer it as a separate pull-out).


That said I do think that the compact version is a good idea. I wonder if they will eventually phase out the broadsheet version?

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My brother was buying the tabloid independant when I was down south for Christmas. It's weird, you pick up something that looks and feels like the Daily Mail and instinctively expect to start reading about how trees give you cancer and video nasties make everyone peadophiles, but instead you get actual news. It's great, I reckon all papers will go that way before too long, as there is no logical reason for keeping them broadsheet that I can see.

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