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How do you survive on £60 per week. ?

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Where in Sheffield do you live? I'm sure there must be a local library closer than that. Even if there isn't, what's so bad about an hour's walk into town. You have nothing else to do with your day and if nothing else it'll keep you fit and you can look in shop windows to see if anyone's taking staff on on the way.


You see, this is the problem... I can't just do any old shop job, people don't seem to get or understand why, and if I try to explain it possibly won't make sense... (and it's nothing to do with Criminal record or anything like that)


The JobCentre know this, and know the reasons, and have accepted it...


so looking in shop windows doesn't help at all.

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You see, this is the problem... I can't just do any old shop job, people don't seem to get or understand why, and if I try to explain it possibly won't make sense... (and it's nothing to do with Criminal record or anything like that)


The JobCentre know this, and know the reasons, and have accepted it...


so looking in shop windows doesn't help at all.


well said! There seems to be the assumtion by those who work that jobs are one size fit all.


I'm slowly looking to return to work after being signed off sick. But there's no way I could just walk into a 9-5 job straight away. I'm very lucky in the fact that a few of my friends work for a small independant place where I can do a bit of volunteering at my own pace. However people see that you can do a days work therefore you can work, you must work, and you must do any job we tell you.

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You see, this is the problem... I can't just do any old shop job, people don't seem to get or understand why, and if I try to explain it possibly won't make sense... (and it's nothing to do with Criminal record or anything like that)


The JobCentre know this, and know the reasons, and have accepted it...


so looking in shop windows doesn't help at all.


I'm intrigued. If you're able bodied and have no criminal record, why on earth would you not be able to do shop work?


Even if that were true, sometimes you see cards in newsagents windows where people want cleaners, carers or an odd job doing here and there. It's all work, you can't afford to be choosy and turn your nose up because it's not something you've done before.

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well said! There seems to be the assumtion by those who work that jobs are one size fit all.


I'm slowly looking to return to work after being signed off sick. But there's no way I could just walk into a 9-5 job straight away. I'm very lucky in the fact that a few of my friends work for a small independant place where I can do a bit of volunteering at my own pace. However people see that you can do a days work therefore you can work, you must work, and you must do any job we tell you.


Assuming you've been certified fit to work as you're no longer signed off sick, then you can. People expect people on benefits to take any job going as they are paying for them to stay off work. I've been out of work before, took jobs in Tesco, McDonald's, Capita etc. Not saying that they are recruiting now but if you're out of work you should be happy to take any job going as long as you're incapable of doing it.

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as I said, I didn't put them in any specific order, I was just listing the things I pay for...


and internet access is classed as a requirement according to the jobcentre, because it's essential for job search and applying for jobs etc...


I think it's a bit harsh to begrudge anyone internet access as besides it being a great source for attempting to find work, it's also a valuable and cheap way to "socialize" when you can't afford the pub etc. It must be bad enough being stuck at home all day but especially so if you've no access to sites such as this and Facebook etc.

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Assuming you've been certified fit to work as you're no longer signed off sick, then you can. People expect people on benefits to take any job going as they are paying for them to stay off work. I've been out of work before, took jobs in Tesco, McDonald's, Capita etc. Not saying that they are recruiting now but if you're out of work you should be happy to take any job going as long as you're incapable of doing it.


I am still signed off sick, though I have my assessment coming up, and I have hear of the shocking nuber of people deemed fit to work when they clearly are not.

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I'm intrigued. If you're able bodied and have no criminal record, why on earth would you not be able to do shop work?


Even if that were true, sometimes you see cards in newsagents windows where people want cleaners, carers or an odd job doing here and there. It's all work, you can't afford to be choosy and turn your nose up because it's not something you've done before.


have you ever actually tried doing part time paid, and 'odd jobs' while being over 25? having to declare it, now knowing how much money they will take off you as a result of any work you have done, causing yo (on some occasions) to be worse off one week (which has happened)


if I got a full time job, before I could claim working tax (minimum 35hours / week), if I worked less than that but more than 16 hours, I couldn't get working tax, And couldn't sign on either (as the level for signing on is 16 hours)


This is why doing part time, and odd jobs doesn't work for people in my situation, that and the fact that I wouldn't be able to get full (if any) council tax or housing benefit, causing me to be worse off still..


It's a VERY complicated web for people of my age, in my situation and I have to find and live with the best I can... which is still very difficult...


But any ways (and lets see if you know/understand why this prevent's me doing "ANY" job) I was diagnosed as ADHD with Autistic tendencies at a young age, and while you can learn to live with, and manage it to an extent, it can and will always affect you throughout your life, even if you don't realise it.. I NEVER use it as an excuse to get my anywhere, or anything for nothing, I just know it's there and can cause issues (as it has in the past) in certain situations..


It has caused me issues in jobs in the past, I talked to someone about it, and discussed why, and it's these are the job types I can't do because of that...

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I work full time and after all my rent and bils I have to live on less than £10.00 a day.


Considering most claimants also get housing benefits, extra monies for each child/dependant, free dental, free healthcare treatments, free prescriptions and access to apply for other general financial support including emergency loans, assistance with travel, food, clothing etc.


You can survive quite easily on a TEMPORARY basis - after all that's what non life dependant benefits are for. Just temporary.


I think you are missing the point if you are supposed to survive on it. Its supposed to be a stop gap whilst you are in dire straits and nothing else.





we read 8/9 posts and were getting very worried, fact!!


Your post is spot on, FACT

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