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The hypocrisy of protesters and trespassers.

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No, it’s entirely hypocritical.

What you should have said, rather than: “They're human beings - and It always makes me angry when fellow human beings are demonised, ill treated and made objects of scorn and derision


Should have been: “It always makes me angry when fellow human beings I like are demonised, ill treated and made objects of scorn and derision, but I’m happy to call people I don’t like filth and scum


Just to be clear :)


Spot on :hihi:

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Should have been: “It always makes me angry when fellow human beings I like are demonised, ill treated and made objects of scorn and derision, but I’m happy to call people I don’t like* filth and scum


Just to be clear :)


* Racist filthbags of any description.


I can live with that. I'd rather live with travellers in my midst than BNP and EDL supporters.

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So they are of Irish ethnicity but descended from people who chose to lead a nomadic lifestyle. How exactly does that make them a different ethnic group to to any other white Europeans?


If they wanted to they could choose to live a different way, but they don't, and this is why I have a problem with the classification of travellers as an ethnic group in its own right.


They live outside the Law in Ireland also the difference, or one of them anyway is that whereas our Government have granted them an ethnic status for whatever reasons, they have not received the same in their 'home' country and by and large are treated worse.

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You were doing quite well but you start to lose it towards the end.

The emboldened part - I simply don't believe you. Have you ever seen me advocate violence? Express a desire to eliminate anyone or persecute them?

No, of course you haven't.


In fact what you're actually referring to is the fact that I describe white nationalists, EDL fools and BNP tools in disparaging terms.


If that amounts to be being the most hateful individual you've ever come across, you must be a) trying way too hard

or b) have led a very sheltered life.


Perhaps you'd like to start a thread expanding on your pet theories about me


did Conrod actually say you advocate violence, you have a desire to eliminate people?

No, of course he/she didn't.

Maybe YOU would like to start your own thread about trolling round other posters threads and re opening them just to try and cause trouble.

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