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Still thinking of voting? (Part 2)

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Just this week, we have seen the following 'democracy' in action:

  • Rear Admiral Liam Fox, having been found out, will get £17k pay-off to lie low and no doubt reappear in the future.
  • It seems inevitable that Cameron will order MPs to vote against any say on the EU (Doesn't stop MPs voting with their conscience, but they're hardly known for their backbone...)
  • 'We're all in this together', yet Parliament has pushed through a £9m increase in their budget for next year, despite auditors refusing to sign off last year’s accounts.
  • Thought pensions (and benefits, but that's another story) were linked to the inflation figures in September? MPs are already talking of 'wriggle room' where they will probably renege on this.
  • 'We're all in this together Part 2' The poor lambs who infest the Houses of Parliament were so put out by having to return to The House during the riots, that they have decided to award themselves a 5 day break in November to make up for it.


And that's just this week. Further examples will no doubt be occurring as you read this.


Oh, and the usual suspects needed bother trying to explain how 'their lot' are different. They're all the same.

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