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Absent tenants-is this common

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I was just wondering if this was common.


Basically the house next door is owned by a Housing Association and since it was re-let some 12 or so months ago no-one has actually lived there.


They have done a few things to make it look like there might be people living there and come by every so often to open or close the curtains (formally sheets across the window for 6 months) and turn on or off lights, but they're definitely not living there.


I'm just curious as to whether this was common or not (yes, slow morning).

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sounds like a cannabis farm to me!!!!


:) That had crossed my mind but the people who visit are a woman and her teenage son. Not wanting to stereotype but they don't look like your average cannabis farmer.


That and they're only there about half a hour, so not sure if that enough time to tend their crop or whatever these farmers do.

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Could be a giro drop. ie the tenant lives with someone who works and claims benefit in another address, next door to you..


To be honest, although it's not fair, due to the lack of housing, I'd keep quiet. Would you prefer to have an empty house next door or a family of chavs who make your life a misery?


You could do the public spirited thing and provide evidence to the landlord so they could evict the current "occupant" then they may move a family from hell in.


Mums the word...:)

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Could be a giro drop. ie the tenant lives with someone who works and claims benefit in another address, next door to you..


To be honest, although it's not fair, due to the lack of housing, I'd keep quiet. Would you prefer to have an empty house next door or a family of chavs who make your life a misery?


You could do the public spirited thing and provide evidence to the landlord so they could evict the current "occupant" then they may move a family from hell in.


Mums the word...:)


I think that's what the situation is-just didn't want to come out and say it incase there was another, more probable reason.


Funny you should mention the alternative if they moved someone in as this is a terraced house with a shared yard and the peace and quiet has been really nice compared to the last tenants. Although they were not noisy the mother enjoyed having a good look in through the window as she crossed the yard, yet her partner had a go at my son (then 7 or eight) for looking in theirs as he called for their son.

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As someone mentioned could be a cannabis farm. Or perhaps whoever lives there works nights etc so you never see them.


If it's a cannabis farm then the electric bill will be well into 5 figures now and the police will have been informed by the company. They'll want the money too so it will have gone to court to cut the supply off. The police helicopter will have noticed the red glow too. And the smell will be quite exotic when the windows are open. If I'm wrong why not break in and make a few grand?

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As someone mentioned could be a cannabis farm. Or perhaps whoever lives there works nights etc so you never see them.


I do see them, every couple of weeks or so when they pull up in their car and go in for a few minutes and then that's it for a couple of weeks.


If someone actually lives there I would have seen them over the last 12 months or so.


When the last tenants lived there we could here most things, even though they were not noisy. Such as the heating coming on, vacuuming, washing machine etc.


Basically, I'm as sure as can be that the property is not lived in.

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