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Geoffrey Robinson MP in dangerous dogs debate

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Wouldn't happen. Can you give me a link to a report of a staffy just giving someone a playful nip?


you clearly have never interacted with a dog have you? So why are you commenting?


Do you seriously believe a staffy would not play bite? All dogs play bite when they play with each other and humans, it doesn't hurt and they don't break the skin. When they are interacting with humans, the human trains them not to bite as hard as when they are playing with other dogs.


You are utterly ignorant of dog behaviour!

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So you're admitting you can't provide any evidence then? I think that pretty much proves your argument wrong.


No, i'm saying that a link to a staffy that has play bitten is of no importance to anyone, why would you want to know. You'd be pretty hard pressed to find a specific link dealing with a play bite, where's the sense in that, where's the interest?

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we still seem to be having a problem with the word evidence. You have provided no evidence for your strange conclusions!


As I said earlier in this thread, "My opinion on staffies is based on the media reports I see, and the behaviour of staffies and their owners that I see as I go about my daily business. This is how I know staffies are a dangerous breed and staffy owners are more likely to train their dogs to be vicious."


Would you like me to explain what the word "evidence" means?

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