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Geoffrey Robinson MP in dangerous dogs debate

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Oh dear, another staffy owner with his head in the sand.


If Staffys are such gentle child-friendly dogs that would never harm a fly, why are they the dog of choice for chav thugs and why do we read so many reports of staffys attacking children?



ALL of that has been covered many times on here and every time you come out of looking a tool before going in to hiding for a few weeks.

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You don't have facts, you only have an opinion.


And yes, I only have an opinion too but at least mine is based on what I see in the real world rather than my own prejudices!


You are a liar. You have more prejudices than anyone else in this thread when it comes to Staffies. You have shown this over a long period on here.

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I'm so sorry, I didn't realise anyone was so stupid as to totally ignore news in the public domain in some daft attempt to make these killer animals look good.

I'll pop in a few links showing these dogs kill people but fully expect the stupid to claim they were all down to bad owners.

Quite how that's any excuse, I don't know because people are still dead.

Perhaps the owners should be put down with the dogs.














Clearly this last one was a bad owner. Can you explain the licence required to keep such a dog and how bad owners can be stopped from owning them?



Yep... Cover the globe and you will find this many links. I would do it myself for poodles if i thought i wouldn't look a fool for doing so :roll:


BTW. Once you leave England, you are no longer talking about an English Stafford. The breed standards change dramatically. Try doing a Google image search for American Stafford for an example.

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Says the poster who resorts to calling people stupid when they disagree with her. :suspect:


Do you believe that all the thousands of staffy attacks we read about in the papers and online are all made up then?



Thousands? That is pretty sad, even for you Rickie :roll:

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Wouldn't happen. Can you give me a link to a report of a staffy just giving someone a playful nip?


I can show you photo evidence right now if you need it. Not that you will believe it though. My 11 week old Stafford wasn't trying to give me a playful nip at all. It was just training itself to savage every toddler it meets.....Right?

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As I said earlier in this thread, "My opinion on staffies is based on the media reports I see, and the behaviour of staffies and their owners that I see as I go about my daily business. This is how I know staffies are a dangerous breed and staffy owners are more likely to train their dogs to be vicious."


Would you like me to explain what the word "evidence" means?


You don't even know what a Stafford is. How can you possibly pass judgement?

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I know wikipedia's not exactly 100% reliable, but it defines evidence like this;


"Evidence in its broadest sense includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. Giving or procuring evidence is the process of using those things that are either (a) presumed to be true, or (b) were themselves proven via evidence, to demonstrate an assertion's truth. "


So incidents I have personally witnessed count as evidence. So do confirmed media reports I read in papers, see on TV or hear on the radio, or online.


All these things have convinced me and most other sensible people that staffies are an inherently dangerous breed and should be banned.


Do you understand yet?


Then try reading these quotes from Wiki....


It has been said that "No breed is more loving with its family


Since the British Dangerous Dogs Act made it illegal to own breeds such as the pit bull terrier, the press have reported many cases of attacks by Staffordshire Bull Terriers or dogs described as a "Staffordshire bull terrier cross" on children, adults and family pets.The RSPCA fears that breeders are re-naming pit bulls as Staffordshire bull terriers to avoid prosecution
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Sorry for ranting on while most people were asleep but i only just noticed this thread and i will defend the Stafford against any uneducated bigot out there.


I thought better of Wath but i always expect Ricki to come crawling out of the woodwork with his pathetic crap every time a dog attack is mentioned.

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