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Geoffrey Robinson MP in dangerous dogs debate

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It is true that when pitbulls attack they are less likely to give up, but there is absolutely no evidence to support that they attack people any more than any other type of Dog. At the end of the day it is more to do with the owner than the Dog!


Pain threshold, they might as well not have one basically :)

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I wondered when you'd appear on this thread! Even by your deranged standards that’s pretty excessive. To be so obsessed with me as to get up at 5am on a Saturday to make no less than 8 separate abusive posts suggests you really do have an anger management problem.


I have made reference to the fact that the staffy is all too often the dog of choice for violent chavs, and here you are clearly proving me right!


If anyone’s wondering why 0742sheff is displaying such extreme aggressive behaviour, I think it’s because he seems to have become obsessed with me, following several disagreements we have had on previous threads about staffy attacks. Every time he loses the argument he resorts to the same old tactic of abusing me and anyone else who has proved him wrong.


Personally I think life’s too short to bother with this inadequate man who needs to swagger the streets with a violent dog to prove how a hard man he is, so I won’t bother responding to his posts any further.


All I will say though is that we seem to have a new thread about a new staffy attack every week on this forum. That alone clearly shows that staffy attacks on children are so widespread that something needs to be done, and the most rational course of action would be to ban the breed responsible.


1. I'm not obsessed by you. I simply reply to your inane drivel whenever you climb out from under your rock.


2. I already explained that i had missed the thread and was simply catching up.


3. They're not abusive. Abusive is demonizing a breed to try and cause hatred towards it when you have never given any proof to confirm that the Stafford breed is any more likely to attack than other breeds.


4. I am not a violent chav.


5. I am not obsessed by you. In fact, i didn't even know about the three other accounts that might be associated with you, until a rather interesting PM last weekend.


6. You have never proven me, or anyone else wrong in your Staffie bashing posts. You even resort to biased blogs and try and insinuate that Pitbulls are Staffies. Always showing your glaring bigoted, uneducated views.


7. Do us all a favour and stop replying to all posts. You were boring the first time you tried it and you are still boring, coming out with the same crap 2 years on.

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Wrong again!


A staffy is a type of pit bull. Here's an explanation from a pro-staffy site if you don't believe me.



"I adopted a dog at the shelter and was told that he is a Staffordshire Terrier. Is a Staffordshire Terrier the same as a Pit Bull?


First, it is important to know that Staffordshire Terrier and “pit bull” are not official breeds. They are common terms used to describe a certain type of dog. There are actually three breeds that can be easily confused. The correct designations are:


■American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) - recognized by the ADBA and UKC

■American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) - recognized by the AKC

■Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT) - recognized by the AKC and UKC


They are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for different purposes and/or size standards since the mid 1930's. "


Source http://www.pbrc.net/faq.html


Do you understand now?


You quoted the same thing the last time you tried to win an argument. Here's a clue. Try reading the bold parts. You clearly didn't the last time.

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How can a Staffordshire Bull Terrier be an American breed? Staffordshire's in England!


Whether it's an American site or not is irrelevant. It explains why a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a type of Pit Bull Terrier.




Er, you don't know what "pro" means, do you?


When I say "pro", it means a site that is promoting staffies and trying to argue in favour of them. That a site trying to defend staffies can't deny how dangerous a breed they are says it all.


Surely if how dangerous staffies are depended on how they were bred, the statistics would be totally different from one country to the next? They're not though; take this site from Australia where the government did a study on number of dog attacks by breed in New South Wales.




On page two is shows that there were 156 attacks by Staffordshire Bull Terriers (plus another 46 where it was thought the breed was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier but couldn't be conclusively identified). That's over 200 attacks by Staffies, more than double those by the next most frequently attacking dog!


So whether you live in the UK, the US or Australia, it's been proved time and time again that the staffy is the most dangerous breed of dog. This is why something needs to be done to protect our children from them.


being as that number is not a percentage it does not prove that the staffy is an aggresive dog, it proves that some attack!


You have been tripped up by statistics again!


Any animal or human can be reared to be agressive, we trained goats to rip up horse underbellies, horses to kick the bjebus out of the opposition, dogs to attack bears, cockerals to fight each other. The only "evidence" we have on this thread (and we have a lot) is that humans in general are idiots!

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being as that number is not a percentage it does not prove that the staffy is an aggresive dog, it proves that some attack!


You have been tripped up by statistics again!


Any animal or human can be reared to be agressive, we trained goats to rip up horse underbellies, horses to kick the bjebus out of the opposition, dogs to attack bears, cockerals to fight each other. The only "evidence" we have on this thread (and we have a lot) is that humans in general are idiots!


He's wrong on most things. The American Pitbull is regarded as America's most dangerous dog, the Staffy doesn't even make the top 10

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