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Popular Toys you remember as a kid..


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i remember as a kid a game which i cant remember what it was called only that it had robot in its title, it was a board game with a mirrored circle on one side and a plastiv round cirvle with a slot in it around the mirrored side there were questions and you placed the robot on it and point it to a question then put it n the other side and it would sing round and give you the right answer, i may have got it the wrong way round but as a kid i would pend hours trying to find out how it worked


Remember it well. Click HERE

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whip and top.i bought one a couple of years ago from elsecar heritage centre.also,i,m 52 now and ive still got my stylophone.it was bought for me when i was about 13 or 14.good old rolf harris.my kids are all grown up now,but i kept most of their electronic toys.i,m just abit nostalgic.mmmmmm.memories.

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I had a secondhand doll which had it's features painted back on again and clothes made by my mum and later on a secondhand cot repainted pale blue. A hoolahoop and marbles and a rounders bat which all we girls in our street used to play with as well as skipping ropes (old washing lines). We had great fun and nobody was left out.

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Thinking about it I suppose mine was Plasticine, that modelling type stuff. I was either rolling it into little balls and flicking it at other kids in school, or sticking bits of twig into clumps of it on a big board to make a jungle, so I could fantasize ( with the aid of a few lead soldiers) war battles.

Growing out of the actual toy era, I suppose it was a stick and an old 'bike rim or tyre.

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I had a secondhand doll which had it's features painted back on again and clothes made by my mum and later on a secondhand cot repainted pale blue. A hoolahoop and marbles and a rounders bat which all we girls in our street used to play with as well as skipping ropes (old washing lines). We had great fun and nobody was left out.


Yes we used this for skipping ropes too, did you also use elastic to do french skipping?

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What about the two snooker ball type things on strings - clackers responsible for many a broken wrist. I was quite good with those.


There was also a long corrugated plastic tube that you swirled around that made a noise like a giant clanger. Give one of those to a child today and they would think you were crazy.


I still got mine...:cool:

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Yes we used this for skipping ropes too, did you also use elastic to do french skipping?


Yes, we did Curriechic. Five stones was another thing. We didn't have a lot, but we were happy kids, sometimes getting into mischief but harmless enough. But I'm off the subject now.

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I remember most of the things mentioned (sadly) Does anyone remember Baffle Ball. My Mum hated it because it made so much noise when you played with it, you had to get a small black plastic ball in to small coloured cups, which were stuck inside a see through ball :hihi:

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