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Popular Toys you remember as a kid..


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What about putting a tennis ball in an old stocking and with your back against the wall swing it from side to side and under your legs and other fancy tricks. Then there was donkey when the ball was thrown against a wall and jumped over. Two balls also played against the wall, sometimes my mother would come out and shout "Stop banging that bloody ball on the wall" It must have sounded so loud in the house.


omg stop it I can't stop laughing..I used to get SO mad with the tennis ball i would regularly remove it from the tights and lob it down the estate!! hahaha then get mardy's on cos I'd lost me ball and couldn't play again until I found or bought another one.

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I remember playing for hours with a Hula hoop in the late 50's all my mates had them we had competitions,who could keep goiing the longest,we also used them to skip with.Throwing them with a flick of the wrist so they came back.played human hoopla.I also remember dad buying me a pair of Jacko roller skates from Redgates

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I had very fond memories of Dinky Toys,Meccano and a Baiko building set. This consisted of metal rods which slotted into a green plastic baseboard t about 1inch intervals. Between the rods was placed sections of walls, doors and windows eventually building into a town house. The brick sections were of either red or white plastic and the doors and windows green. Endless fun!

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I could play all day wi a stick when i wa a lad.one day it wa a sword ,next day it wa a gun. Told my daughter that the other day when she was nagging for a blackberry,she thinks im kidding.


:hihi: Reminds me of me and my mate playing shop using stones for potatoes,doc leafs for cabbage and privet was peas! This,with some tins and packets out of our mums pantry was our shop.We had between us a cassons till,compleate with reciept paper,and a cassons weigh scale which was quite posh back in the day! spoilt :o but they were our xmas prezzies :D

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Pugwash, I had a Magic \robot game as a kid, I have never heard of anyone else who had one!! I was quite mesmerised by it. Just after the war, toys were hard to come by, and things like snakes and ladders, ludo etc seemed to be the order of the day unlike today!!


I had a Magic Robot which I have updated with my own contemporary questions.I am sorry to say the robots wand has been bent on several occasions and is now replaced wth a pipe cleaner.I got mine off my uncle and bought several others in car boots and jumbles.

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It is very rare to hear them say I'm bored, even during school holidays, my daughter organises something for them to do each day all together, her and the three girls, and me sometimes, maybe the early £1 cinema at Meadowhall if it is raining, if it is fine it's the park or a long walk with the dogs and things like that and after that they play really well togehter, she has a box of empty boxes and toliet roll things and they make things. But the older two are quite avid readers too and will spend ages with their noses in books, the eldest who is 8 is discovering the delights of Enid Blyton's famous five and secret seven which I loved as a child.


How wonderful to hear that your grandaughters are being encouraged to develop their imaginations. And credit due to you that your daughter is a good and resourceful mum. I wonder who she takes after? ;)

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My sister had a Bayko set and I had a Betta Builder (now that WAS more like early Lego)- it had plastic interlocking roof tiles that were a pig to get apart. They made your fingers really sore!


We used to play Jacks on the lino for hours but I could never master the Stinks part (I'm not from Sheffield so perhaps you called it something different: it was the bit after you'd completed the bouncy bit up to five but before you did the double bouncy bit).


I had a Tressy too - such lifelike hair (not!). I can distinctly remember the Christmas I got it: I was so thrilled!


Ah, happy times!

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