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Why am I unfaithful?

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Although Ive loved my previous partners a lot, I have always been unfaithful.

So for 5 years Ive stopped myself from dating so I cant do that to another person I love ever again.

This is a lonely way to go and I wondered if you guys had any answers.

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This is a bit deep for Thursday Morning

Sorry to simplify things but to me it seems you have 3 options


1. Dont go into long term relationships, just have casual relationships as and when you feel like it.

2. If you do go into a long term relationship, stick with it and dont mess around.

3. Stay celibate as you are.




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It's that classic tale of the little head telling the big head what to do again. The condition is aggrivated by drink so try cutting back when you're out. Alternatively try smearing your body with fish paste before going out. The smell is normally undetectable except at very close range making it near impossible to pull.


good luck! ;)

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I'm glad someone has posted a topic of this nature.


I'd like to ask, will men always be unfaithful? This is not a dig at men by any means by the way.


BUT every single man I know has cheated, including my own sadly but thats a different story.


After talking about the issue with my boyfirend and other male friends it seems to me that they are all decided that men just do it. There's no deep and meaningful reason for it they just do it even if it means threatening a relationship with somone they are really in love with. I can honestly say I know of no man who has been faithful to his girlfriend or wife. It's quite scarey really.


Do you think we are stupid to believe that we can be with one person totally for the rest of our lives? Is it nature to want to "spread your oats"? or is it just that men are selfish pigs who think they can get away with it because they can justify it by saying things like "boys will be boys" "we think with our dumbsticks, it's not our fault" etc etc??


Answers on a postcard please!

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Originally posted by steelblade

I can honestly say I know of no man who has been faithful to his girlfriend or wife. It's quite scarey really.


You do now, sort of. I can honestly say I have never cheated/been unfaithful, and intend to stay that way.

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Hmmmmm well genetically studies have shown that a natural in built mechanism for human males is to spread their 'oats' so to speak with many partners.

This is something that all men (faithfull or not) have built in.


However saying that, socially this is a mechanism that can be overcome by just not taking that road.

In this day and age each man should be able to know what's right and whats wrong, however sometimes the natural urges overcome what your brain says is the wrong road.


I'm not laying it as an excuse, but there is a reason for it if it happens. However I can say not all guys cheat!

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