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Why am I unfaithful?

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Actually, I find Rain's posts admirably honest - many of us struggle with fidelity, I certainly do, but how many of us are brave enough to forgo any committed relationships because of this struggle?

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Rain i wouldnt worry about your inner voice - mine says FAR FAR worse than yours does! I thought everyones did! Maybe not - Im getting worried now - actually im a bit relieved that not everyones does as i wouldnt like people thinking such things about me. I wont be as brutally honest as you and let you know what mine says cos its nasty but it doesnt matter cos my rational half knows i wouldnt actually do anything about the thoughts and no-one would ever know about them and theyre just me being silly.


Freudian theory behind your behaviour if youre interested:


We all have 3 behavioural componants - our desires and needs, our morals and respect for others and our ability to balance out the 2. He would say in your case the thing that balances out the 2 isnt properly developed but it may develop over time. Some say it develops during childhood and some say throughout your life til you die and is influenced by all sorts of experiences and knowledge. I hope the latter does occur because if it does there is hope for you.

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Great minds think alike Kittykat! I wrote a post about the Id, Ego and Superego at about the same time you did, but mine crashed.


Rain, don't worry about the little nasty thoughts and feelings of wanting to be unfaithful. The human being is born utterly selfish (eg: a baby doesn't care about who is feeding it, so long as it's being fed), all the positive traits of empathy, understanding and selflessness are developed later, and throughout life. Being self centred is a survival trait. You'll always have the "demons"; the trick is to be aware of them, know that you can control them, and just as importantly, be comfortable with them, because they'll always be there to some extent.

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Ditto on the nasty inner thoughts issue and also ditto on not acting on them. I have no idea why or where they come from, repressed anger from my past when I was bullied for 7 years in school perhaps, but I would never act upon any of these thoughts because as Rain said, these are just random thoughts and your sense of integrity would prevent you from saying/doing anything to hurt someone else with these thoughts in mind.

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I wouldn't worry about thinking nasty thoughts, I'm sure it happens to everyone. It's people who act on bad thoughts who are the bad people. As long as you have a concience you should be able to keep on the straight and narrow.

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just to back up what a lot of others have said. I'm exactly the same when it comes to nasty thoughts. Some are just plain evil, but I know i can and do control them. As long as they are just thoughts and not actions, they're harmless. Again it's nice to see that we're not as different from each other as we often think.

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