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Morrisons prize giveaway

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Yeh cos a multi million pound empire like Morrisons are likely to run a fiddle for a few quid with their shelf fillers.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:................


ITV are a bigger company. Didn't stop them:|

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i saw this advertised on tv but had no idea how it was actually going to work, i did my shopping at morrissons hillsborough on monday as normal as i didnt know how this promotion was being run i was exspecting a bell to sound at a till when there was a winner or something similar, i had no idea until coming across this thread that ur supposed to check a code on your reciept and i doubt that i still have my reciept

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I wouldnt trust them one bit if their 'normal' promotions are anything to go by - bogof's,half price deals etc.....Whatever you do check your receipt carefully.I have spent a lot of time at customer services pointing out that the 'deal' hasnt shown up on the till receipt - no apology - just 'its the computer' - ask for a manager or supervisor and you will wait and wait until you just give up!!!

And before someone on here says it - I dont go to Morrisons anymore even though I have to travel about 4 miles to the alternatives!But at least I know I am not being ripped off.

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Anybody who works at Morrisons will have a staff discount card which, when applied to the bill will identify them as staff and therefore make them ineligible to win. Just a thought...


and you would be right .... ;)

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Holsten pills was retailing at Morrisons for £3.48 for 4 tins on Friday, £3 on Saturday and £3.48 today. £3 at ASDA today.

All in all, I'd rather shop at Morrisons and brew my own beer.


You can get a loaf of bread there for 60p, and they seem to treat staff and customers that bit better than the others, although they do fence off their bins like the others, perhaps they could follow the likes of Sainsbury's and donate food to Fareshare, rather than waste it.


Supermarkets have become a necessarily evil. For the sake of a few pence I'd rather shop at Morrisons than ASDA, and perhaps some single mother working part time whilst her children are at school, even though it is not necessary in the grand scheme of things for her to work, whilst she is raising children at least, might get £100 in her back pocket.

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My personal opinion the draw would have been better done in public, and those who have receipts should have been allowed to the draw, and people could see winners. The way the system works at the moment is you type a number from your receipt into the website, and it simply says sorry you haven't won this time. If I had the time I'd type in every number, just to see, but I haven't. I just think its an easy way to con people, and I don't know wether they are or they aren't. I was wondering if anyone hasn't got the internet, how are they meant to check their numbers.

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My personal opinion the draw would have been better done in public, and those who have receipts should have been allowed to the draw, and people could see winners. The way the system works at the moment is you type a number from your receipt into the website, and it simply says sorry you haven't won this time. If I had the time I'd type in every number, just to see, but I haven't. I just think its an easy way to con people, and I don't know wether they are or they aren't. I was wondering if anyone hasn't got the internet, how are they meant to check their numbers.


I don't know about anywhere else, but at Hillsborough they have a board near the main entrance with all the numbers drawn on each day and a big red "claimed" (or something like that) across it when (presumably) it has been claimed


Don't see why they couldn't put that on the website as well though

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