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Female terrorist released in Shalit swap encourages Gaza children to die

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there might be a few Jewish and even Israeli Jordanian residents. Since 1994 Israelis have been able to travel freely to Jordan as they have to Egypt since 1980. It's possible even probable a few have decided to take up more or less permanent residence and live there, perhaps marrying Jordanians. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some bohemian Israeli guy hanging out in Wadi Musa near Petra for example more or less permanently, and who is probably tolerated if maybe as bit of an oddball by his neighbours. They might be able to apply for residency, or they might have to keep coming back into Israel and then hop straight back into Jordan and get a stamp for another month or three, which wouldn't be all that difficult, I don't know. But they can never become Jordanian citizens. Jews are specifically forbidden from becoming citizens of Jordan under their nationality law.


of course all Jews were ethnically cleansed from Jordan and the West Bank in the 1948 war to the point where not a single one remained. Meanwhile in Israel, many Arabs stayed on to the point where there's well over a million Arab Israelis today, forming over 20% of the population. And Arabs in the West Bank and Jerusalem apply for Israeli citizenship all the time, and though it is not always and if truth be told increasingly less often granted than it has been in the past, there's nothing to stop them from applying, just because they are Arabs. In fact in the 1990s, when it actually looked like a Palestinian state might become a reality, there was such a rush of Arab residents of Jerusalem applying for Israeli citizenship, the Palestinian Authority had to ask the Israelis to stop processing the applications. Embarrassingly for the PA, it turned out quite a lot of Arabs preferred to take their chances as a minority in the the evil Zionist state, than in the nascent Palestinian state-to-be.

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Yes; anything you don't like from the mouths of ultra Neo Zionists, and you automatically take the view that it's false.


Truth too unbearable for you, callippo ? :cool:

If anyone else made the racist comments that CXC3000 makes they'd recieve a ban yet CXC3000 gets away with racist comments about Israel on just about every post.
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