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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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Maybe something to do with empathy for the thousands of people that he had disappeared, jailed, tortured and killed over 40 years? The fact that when the Libyan populace started protesting for their rights last February, he attacked them with his army and airplanes?


He did that did he? I have never known that happen before in a dictatorship.

And what rights were they demanding?

Droits d'Homme?

If that is the case, we have many wars ahead.

China next I suppose, then it must Syria, Iran, Zimbabwe, in fact nearly every country in the world.


By god, this country must have deep pockets to fight for human rights planetwide.

Good Luck.

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Then you're probably cretinously stupid, or morally bankrupt - does it sit comfortably with you that the man has been committing atrocious and murderous acts against his people for decades?


What a pleasant chap you are, does insulting people make you feel better?

If he has been doing this for decades, why are you so suddenly up in arms about it now?

If you knew what a vile creature he was, why was it not your constant hobby horse.

Not only you, but all the others who have suddenly found this rabid hatred of the man?

I dont know how you slept at nights knowing such a creature was at large in the world.

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I have never known that happen before in a dictatorship.


Then you have led a very sheltered life, as that's what happens in most dictatorships around the world. Either that, or you're just a bit simple.

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Then you have led a very sheltered life, as that's what happens in most dictatorships around the world. Either that, or you're just a bit simple.

Yes of course, who is taking the mick out of who here?

Dear o dear me.

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You clearly have the morals of a rattlesnake.




Or a well poisoner.


Good riddance Gaddafi you scumbag.


Only Chavez, Bush, Bush, Blair, Netenyahu, Putin and god knows how many others to go. It's a shame the Greeks haven't decapitated their rulers, it would have set a good example. Still time though.

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