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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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jeez there's some total ignoramauses on this forum. The only Libyans living on $2 a day were out in the desert where they had no need for it. Even under Gadaffi Libya was a middle-ranking country, not as wealthy as it should have been or should be (it has potential to be one of the richest countries in the world), but by no means dirt poor. Nothing like next-door Egypt.


You're just upset about getting a beating on the Stolen Cheese thread.

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Perhaps I should clarify my post the cost of living there is much lower than say England etc. I have been there a few times on holiday in the past we stayed with some family friends it is one of the few islamic places where women had freedom & the right to an education etc. No place is perfect remember the Riots here a few weeks ago?.


Do you know about the fate of Jews in Libya? They were all ordered to convert to Islam or leave the country.


When I was last there in 2001 there was one lone old Jewish women who was still living in what was previously the Jewish area of Tripoli. She refused to ship out or convert and had the support of the people that she had grown up and knew her family. It's sad what has happened to the large Jewish communities in the Arab world which mostly no longer exist.

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Do you know about the fate of Jews in Libya? They were all ordered to convert to Islam or leave the country.


When I was last there in 2001 there was one lone old Jewish women who was still living in what was previously the Jewish area of Tripoli. She refused to ship out or convert and had the support of the people that she had grown up and knew her family. It's sad what has happened to the large Jewish communities in the Arab world which mostly no longer exist.


Really I wasn't aware. The family we stayed with in Tripoli were Jewish they mentioned no such thing.

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Really I wasn't aware. The family we stayed with in Tripoli were Jewish they mentioned no such thing.


they can't have been actual Libyan Jews. There aren't any left, at least not in Libya. The last one, Esmeralda Meghnagi, whom Nagel is referring died in 2002. Or perhaps you stayed in her house?


on a side note, Afghanistan's old, but not ancient as in millenia-old like Libya's, Jewish community, is also down to its last one. He's called Zablon Simintov. Though at one time there was 40,000 of them, not all that long ago, there was two. The other one was called Ishaq Levin, but he died in 2005.

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they can't have been actual Libyan Jews. There aren't any left, at least not in Libya. The last one, Esmeralda Meghnagi, died in 2002. Or perhaps you stayed in her house?


No we didn't stay at hers. There ARE Jews there as well as Christians. The family we stayed with are family friends.

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I am very dubious about this whole thing.

What were the motives of this coalition for fighting this war, so quickly and soon after gaining the tenuous fingerhold they have on power?

What are we, as a nation, supposed to gain from it?

Why was Ghaddaffi silenced before he had a chance to speak?


It would have been far more decisive to the truth behind his various crimes to have him interrogated in court to discover the truth behind Lockerbie, and IRA funding etc.


The whole affair seems very, very, suspect to me.

Nothing about it has the ring of truth.

In fact to paraphrase, the truth has been interred with his soul, along with Bin ladens.


you speak as if NATO killed him. People claim that the US killed Saddam too, when in actual fact they were pleading with the Iraqis up to the very last minute not to hang him. From what I've been reading, the Libyans were very firm about it at first and said it was them, not NATO that killed the tyrant. Then later, when they realised how bad it looked in a so-called 'emerging democracy' that nobody had made any attempt to arrest him and had just lynched him in the usual Arab way, they made up this **** and bull story about how he was killed in 'crossfire'.

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No we didn't stay at hers. There ARE Jews there as well as Christians. The family we stayed with are family friends.


there's Jews in Saudi Arabia too. Except they aren't Saudi Arabians. They're foreigners and live behind the walls and keep VERY quiet about it.


if you are not just making it up, they were just winding YOU up. The ancient Jewish community of Libya, in Libya itself no longer exists.

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there's Jews in Saudi Arabia too. Except they aren't Saudi Arabians. They're foreigners and live behind the walls and keep VERY quiet about it.


if you are not just making it up, they were just winding YOU up. The ancient Jewish community of Libya, in Libya itself no longer exists.


I have no reason to lie as I mentioned they are OLD family friends. Nowhere did I mention they were ancient Jews.

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These Arab dictators seem to die like cowards. Saddam dragged out of a hole in the ground and now Khadaffy dragged out of a drainage pipe.


I'll say this for Hitler he died the right way. A self inflicted bullet to the head. He had no intention of letting the Russians parade him through the streets of Moscow in a cage


Anyway I hope the families of the Lockerbie vicitms can now feel some closure

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Only really bonkers people would want so much power


Is being President of Libya (even President For Life) more powerful than being President For Life of the NUM?


Is it more powerful than being Prime Minister?


There seems to be no shortage of people who go after those jobs.


I'll settle for being 'Master under God' - which is what I am when I go sailing.


I don't have too many minions ... I sail single-handed.


It's better than being 'Minion under she who must be obeyed' which is my job title at home.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


(Unless I'm in my kitchen!)

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