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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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It is never a good idea to foment reveolution without having an alternative government ready to take over.

In this case there appears to be non.

The vacuum will be filled very shortly.


We have gone from having a quiet lunatic on our very doorstep, to having a bunch of raving lunatics on our doorstep.


Spain, Italy and Greece are next in the firing line.


NATO has very cleverly bombed itself back to the Dark Ages.

Its leaders are obviously incapable of seeing the big picture.


I think Cameron and Sarkosy imagined themselves to be conquering heroes, who would be lauded and carried shoulder high.

Instead they look like murdering fools, muttering excuses, for their blind foolish conduct.


As seen on the news the Libyan people are very grateful for the west’s help in getting rid of Gaddafi.


You should be happy that the Libyan people have a chance to live in a



As for calling Cameron and Sarkosy murdering fools. That is ridiculous.

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:suspect:so now libya is free from its dictator and tyrant at last, how many of the refugees and asylum seekers from libya here in the uk and large numbers from Sheffield judging by the crowd earlier outside the town hall!! will now return to their now safe country in the knowledge that the new regime will not be anything like Gadaffi...........anyone care to guess??


Unless the benefit system in Lybia is better than ours ,you can bet your backside none will be leaving easy street UK.

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I agree with you Wex, he should have been tried along with Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein but the sanctimonious "eye for an eye" mob on here don't agree.
But sometimes!.....just sometimes!,it's best cut to the chase! .....and instead of wasting money feeding greedy lawyers and media rotweillers,it's best send in the Jack Russells then dispose of the rats as quick as possible!...job done!
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How is it just to execute him in the street without him ever having to face up to his crimes?


By executing him the rebels have shown they are the same as gaddaffi, in a true democracy he should have been arrested and handed over to the ICC and stood trial. The videos show him dazed and injured after the nato strike and putting up no resistence, if arrested maybe we would have learn't the truth about Lockerbie and other shady goings on.

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As seen on the news the Libyan people are very grateful for the west’s help in getting rid of Gaddafi.


You should be happy that the Libyan people have a chance to live in a



As for calling Cameron and Sarkosy murdering fools. That is ridiculous.


Libya has as much chance of being a democracy as you have of plaiting fog.


One thing I can guarantee, years of war and turmoil.

Right on our doorstep.

Bye bye mediterranean holidays.

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By executing him the rebels have shown they are the same as gaddaffi, in a true democracy he should have been arrested and handed over to the ICC and stood trial. The videos show him dazed and injured after the nato strike and putting up no resistence, if arrested maybe we would have learn't the truth about Lockerbie and other shady goings on.
Of course the rebels have shown they are the same as Gaddaffi, so are you and I a rebel and a Gaddaffi in different circumstances!......."true democracy" is just a hypocritical bankrupt pipe dream that drifts in and out down the course of history mainly benefitting the hunter gatherers that have done good out of the prevailing system of the day.

Murderous people like Gaddaffi who the planet has no use for need to be disposed of as quick as possible without recourse to human rights etc,preferably by people who have suffered years of pain and torment!

We don't need overpaid circus types in wigs and gowns to speak for us.

We know what needs to be done in extreme cases like this!

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Of course the rebels have shown they are the same as Gaddaffi, so are you and I a rebel and a Gaddaffi in different circumstances!......."true democracy" is just a hypocritical bankrupt pipe dream that drifts in and out down the course of history mainly benefitting the hunter gatherers that have done good out of the prevailing system of the day.

Murderous people like Gaddaffi who the planet has no use for need to be disposed of as quick as possible without recourse to human rights etc,preferably by people who have suffered years of pain and torment!

We don't need overpaid circus types in wigs and gowns to speak for us.

We know what needs to be done in extreme cases like this!


So what you are saying is:-


In times of stress the working class elects its own leaders.


So you are a closet socialist mossdog.

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