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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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I agree with you Wex, he should have been tried along with Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein but the sanctimonious "eye for an eye" mob on here don't agree.


Saddam had a trial didn't he? But yeah, Bin Laden and Gaddafi should have been tried. If the country they are tried in have the death penalty, and they are sentenced to death, so be it, but not at the hands of soldiers in the street. For one this is illegal in international law.


Maybe if Gaddafi was tried his supporters could have seen past the façade and see him as the frail, weak nut case the was. Killing them like this creates martyr, while showing them for who they are, debunks their ideology.


Its a sad world where people fight for freedom immediately treat their enemy with the same contempt and cruelty as they are fighting to eradicate.

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I see the human rights mob have jumped on the bandwagon . I have just been watching one of them on sky news moaning and bleating about his death.:roll::roll:


"The degree of a nation’s civilization can be seen in the way it treats its prisoners".

Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

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Gaddafi was supplying he ira with arms and semtex for years. And what about that murder in London?

If you think the cia was responsible for Lockerbie you want your bumps feeling.


You are really upset that a dictator has gone aren’t you?


No I am not, not one jot, but we have another destabalised country now.

I dont like the way he was murdered though, for that is what it was, murder.

He had stood no trial and was lynched by an uncontrolled mob.

That is not justice and is a disgrace to all concerned with it.


I will not go into the details regarding the propaganda you mention, as it is all detailed on the web.

I suggest you study it.


I was a relatively young man during the troubles and remember those times and Lockerbie very well. The young policewoman shot in the street I remember quite clearly.


You must accept that times were very different then, we looked on these events with open minds.

You younger people have been brainwashed into accepting the government line over the years.

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It's what happens to dictators that are hated by their countrymen. It can happen a lot closer to home than North Africa too. Mussolini and Chauchesku (he might as well have been executed in the street) spring to mind.


Ceaucescu stood trial, albeit a kangaroo court.

He was tried, condemned and excecuted, all in about 2 hours.

But it was a form of justice, no more than he deserved.

This gave the government some credibility.


Ghadaffi has been murdered by a mob, after being beaten up.

This gives the new Al Queada government no credibility.

If this is how they treat their ex leader, I dont hold out much hope for other miscreants.

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So what you are saying is:-


In times of stress the working class elects its own leaders.


So you are a closet socialist mossdog.

I just run with the "hare and the hounds"....................non of our political persuasions in this country can be that right or that wrong all the time!
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Ceaucescu stood trial, albeit a kangaroo court.

He was tried, condemned and excecuted, all in about 2 hours.

But it was a form of justice, no more than he deserved.

This gave the government some credibility.


Ghadaffi has been murdered by a mob, after being beaten up.

This gives the new Al Queada government no credibility.

If this is how they treat their ex leader, I dont hold out much hope for other miscreants.

Probably they realised that with his incredible stolen riches,there was a chance he could just have got off the hook to live in exile with his secrets and riches..............that's what "true democracy" can sometimes do for you if you have enough wealth!
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Saddam had a trial didn't he? But yeah, Bin Laden and Gaddafi should have been tried. If the country they are tried in have the death penalty, and they are sentenced to death, so be it, but not at the hands of soldiers in the street. For one this is illegal in international law.


Maybe if Gaddafi was tried his supporters could have seen past the façade and see him as the frail, weak nut case the was. Killing them like this creates martyr, while showing them for who they are, debunks their ideology.


Its a sad world where people fight for freedom immediately treat their enemy with the same contempt and cruelty as they are fighting to eradicate.


Spot on, what I was trying to say, but failed.

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Probably they realised that with his incredible stolen riches,there was a chance he could just have got off the hook to live in exile with his secrets and riches..............that's what "true democracy" can sometimes do for you if you have enough wealth!


At the risk of being ridiculed.

This is said about Hitler, if he had lived he would have had no case to answer.

He never ordered mass murder, just suggested it. (final solution and all).

Therefore it was agreed whoever got him first would execute him.


But excecution by an officer in the field, is a million miles away from being beaten up by a wild disorganised rabble and shot by a hot headed murderer.


It bodes ill for the future.

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No I am not, not one jot, but we have another destabalised country now.

I dont like the way he was murdered though, for that is what it was, murder.

He had stood no trial and was lynched by an uncontrolled mob.

That is not justice and is a disgrace to all concerned with it.


I will not go into the details regarding the propaganda you mention, as it is all detailed on the web.

I suggest you study it.


I was a relatively young man during the troubles and remember those times and Lockerbie very well. The young policewoman shot in the street I remember quite clearly.


You must accept that times were very different then, we looked on these events with open minds.

You younger people have been brainwashed into accepting the government line over the years.


The country may be destabilised for a while yet. That is what happens after a war. With the help of the west Libya can get back on its feet again. I am heartened by the fact that Libyans in this country are already contacting their embassy to make arrangements to go home. I wish them well.

Agreed Gaddafi should not have been executed. The official line is he died in cross fire which I don’t believe.

What makes you think I am young? And I'm certainly not brainwashed.

I don’t follow the official government line I look at the evidence and way it all up for myself.


I’m not sure what propaganda you mean but if you mean about the ira it the irish government that first alerted us to the ira/Gaddafi link.

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