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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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At the risk of being ridiculed.

This is said about Hitler, if he had lived he would have had no case to answer.

He never ordered mass murder, just suggested it. (final solution and all).





Well you did ask to be ridiculed.


You do like making excuses for murdering dictators don't you? And of course Hitler would have had a case to answer as head of state.

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Well you did ask to be ridiculed.


You do like making excuses for murdering dictators don't you? And of course Hitler would have had a case to answer as head of state.


I dont like murdering dictators at all.

I would stand them against the wall pronto.

But I would give them a chance to speak, to confess, before they met their fate.

The horrible murder of Ghadaffi leaves me with a hollow feeling, even though it is a million miles from my juristriction.

My leaders have let me down once more, and are gradually reducing me to their level.

Cameron may call this a victory, but I call it murder.

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I bet you havent seen any about 9/11 or the 7/7 have you?


What evidence do you have that Al Qaeda are involved with the Libyan rebels? First I've seen it mentioned anywhere - even the barmpots on the David Icke forum haven't thought of it.

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All the world leaders calling his death a victory are two faced they have all shaken his hand and given.him money. They don't give two hoots who or how many he has killed otherwise mugabe would be dead. I'm glad he is dead but let's not pretend its about anything other than money oil and power not killing his own people!!!

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I don't understand what you're getting at old timer?


See posts #184 and #195.


Balpin seems to be the only person on the planet under the impression that Al Qaeda were leading the opposition in Libya. Townblade was making a very valid point.

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What evidence do you have that Al Qaeda are involved with the Libyan rebels? First I've seen it mentioned anywhere - even the barmpots on the David Icke forum haven't thought of it.


There was a programme on news 24 a bit back and it stated that inteligence agencies in America had detected elements of Al Qaeda within the libyan rebels.

Only link i could find was this one= http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704559904576231172563565048.html?amp&amp

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