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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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Yes, it was brutal and nasty, but so was Mussolini's death when he was hung from a lamp post outside a filling station. It doesn't automatically mean that the government which will be established in Libya will be bad. The post war Italian government was OK, so why not the new Libyan government?


They have enormous oil wealth (more even than Norway) and a low population ( just 1.5 million more than Norway). Therefore they will be a very rich country and every Libyan will enjoy a high standard of living, way in excess of what we have here in the UK.



To be honest nagel some one as racists as you probley has a low understanding of Libya - agreed ?


Libya was already very rich

It wss the higest developed nation in africa . Among all arab nations and web higher than brazil .


But I don't expect a racists to understand that .

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The obvious answer is that only US troops and the government saw Bin Laden's execution and to release film of it would have been to stoke anti-West feeling as Bin Laden was as anti-West as they come and killed by the Yanks to boot. Gaddafi was killed by his own people who could take photos and film and put it all on Youtube knowing that no one cared about Gadaffi anymore and so wouldn't respond negatively to it. On the other hand Blair, BP et al will now have to find some new friends in Libya.

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Why would covert American operations show a video of their tactics?
According to reports, the action began with British and French military jets shooting up a convoy of fleeing members of Ghadaffis people , including himself. I read nowhere that US forces were used anywhere. But perhaps SF as its own news agency rivalling Reuters.
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The obvious answer is that only US troops and the government saw Bin Laden's execution and to release film of it would have been to stoke anti-West feeling as Bin Laden was as anti-West as they come and killed by the Yanks to boot. Gaddafi was killed by his own people who could take photos and film and put it all on Youtube knowing that no one cared about Gadaffi anymore and so wouldn't respond negatively to it. On the other hand Blair, BP et al will now have to find some new friends in Libya.


The vids could also be seen as a warning shot for those that hold power over its people or intend to. Then again despots do tend to overlook destiny in favour of Gold toilets. :hihi:

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According to reports, the action began with British and French military jets shooting up a convoy of fleeing members of Ghadaffis people , including himself. I read nowhere that US forces were used anywhere. But perhaps SF as its own news agency rivalling Reuters.


Yes we know that but that's Libya. The question was related to Bin laden.

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