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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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[QUOTE=LeMaquis;8194859]The obvious answer is that only US troops and the government saw Bin Laden's execution and to release film of it would have been to stoke anti-West feeling as Bin Laden was as anti-West as they come and killed by the Yanks to boot. Gaddafi was killed by his own people who could take photos and film and put it all on Youtube knowing that no one cared about Gadaffi anymore and so wouldn't respond negatively to it. On the other hand Blair, BP et al will now have to find some new friends in Libya.



Pointless remark. Most Pakistanis are already anti-western whether supporters of Bin Laden or not. The Pakistani govt even want to try the informant who tipped off the CIA of Bin Laden's whereabouts.


We keep sending them around six billion dollars a year though just so we can live under the illusion that Pakistan is an ally :hihi:

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If Hillary Clinton dropped in to have a chat with the rebels then they're legit. She wouldnt risk having her pictures taken with a bunch of closet Al Qaeda and sometime in the future becoming a laughing stock especially among the Tea Party.


Kadaffy should have been kept alive. He could have been questioned in connection with Lockerbie. A lot of questions remain unanswered and now the whole stroy will never be known.


We all know the true story, and the reason behind this madness

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If Hillary Clinton dropped in to have a chat with the rebels then they're legit. She wouldnt risk having her pictures taken with a bunch of closet Al Qaeda and sometime in the future becoming a laughing stock especially among the Tea Party.


Kadaffy should have been kept alive. He could have been questioned in connection with Lockerbie. A lot of questions remain unanswered and now the whole stroy will never be known.


No one knows how it will pan out with the rebels or the new Libyan gov unless Hillary Clinton has a crystal ball or something so just because she dropped in for a photo op and to remind them that the USA better be at the top of the cheap oil list i will just wait and see how it pans out. :hihi:

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No one knows how it will pan out with the rebels or the new Libyan gov unless Hillary Clinton has a crystal ball or something so just because she dropped in for a photo op and to remind them that the USA better be at the top of the cheap oil list i will just wait and see how it pans out. :hihi:


Most US oil is either domestic or imported from Canada or Venezuela.

Personally I couldnt give a tinkers cuss how things pan out in Libya for better or worse.

The main concern though is that now the US is finally getting out of Iraq that sometime in the future there wont be a call from Europe asking for boots on the ground in Libya if the whole place does in fact become a viper's nest.



You need Libya's oil far far more than we do.

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Easy to say from the comfort of you recliner.


Of course it's in turmoil..people are kicking off and taking back...Did you think daffy and Mubarak were going to hand it back on a platter?


If I pin you to the ground with a jackboot would you deem that "stable" just because you're unable to move?


Ghadaffi and especially Mubarak were heavily backed by the west ,


The western axis powers backed Mubarak to the last day and now are backing the miltary junta ,


I guess some people are really that dumb and believe we invade and bomb to free people ?

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Ghadaffi and especially Mubarak were heavily backed by the west ,


The western axis powers backed Mubarak to the last day and now are backing the miltary junta ,


I guess some people are really that dumb and believe we invade and bomb to free people ?


You really are a lost littile soul in the world of national intrigue and the intricacies of foreign policy :hihi:


Blair et al kissed Khadaffy's ass because Khadaffy was the MAN. The dude with the big supplies of oil. Now it's time to kiss the ass of the new leadership. Cameron and Sarkozy will be taking a trip to Libya very shortly i predict looking like two suitors visiting the coy young village beauty queen.


The west and the US in particular backed Mubarak because Mubarak had come to a peace accord with Israel and which in fact eliminated somewhat the possibility of yet another shooting war with Egypt the most powerfu Arab country on one side and Israel the most powerful military country in that part of the world on the other side


Now that Mubarak has gone and the Egyptian population at large becoming increasingly disenchanted with the ruling military and the lack of reform that was promised the future is definitely murky for Egypt and the rest of the middle east.

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No one knows how it will pan out with the rebels or the new Libyan gov unless Hillary Clinton has a crystal ball or something so just because she dropped in for a photo op and to remind them that the USA better be at the top of the cheap oil list i will just wait and see how it pans out. :hihi:


How do you mean "at the top of the cheap oil list"? Oil has a price determined by traders and it's sold to the highest bidder.


Libya just needs to control and distribute its own oil wealth in the same way Norway has done.


One thing Gaddafi did that was copied worldwide was to gain control of the oil companies so that the countries that the oil comes from get the majority of the money generated. Before Gaddafi the oil companies basically looted the countries they extracted oil from, but after Gaddafi nationalised the Libyan oil the rest of the world followed suit. This is what led to the Middle East becoming rich and it's something we copied in the UK with our government automatically getting 49% of all oil produced.


We pay none of the costs of drilling and production so our 49% is actually the major share.

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