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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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Channel 4 news is reporting that Gaddafi was sexually assaulted before he was killed.


Quote from above link


"A recent analysis of video footage taken of Gaddafi's capture alleges that the former Colonel was sodomised with a knife or stick as he was being dragged from the drainpipe where he was hiding. The international Geneva Conventions state that any abuse of prisoners is forbidden, regardless of the circumstances."


I think there comes a point of ordering sexual abuse, torture and murder of tens of thousands of opponents over 4 decades that I could not give a toss what the people you oppressed mercilessly did to you when they finally got their hands on you.


That line gaddafi crossed a good while ago. Quite the opposite, I'm glad he had a brief glimpse of the hell he has ordered for countless people before he departed this earth. A brief glimpse of utter terror was a fitting end for the rat.

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I am sure that you do not mean that is the way you would expect someone to die.

No matter who they were.

We are dignified people, and have standards we uphold.


Lovely. total crap but lovely.

He had who knows how many killed. A mob catch him and beat the crap out of him. They went the full Monty and killed him.

It may not be civilised but it's hardly a shock considering what he did.

Less civilised would be that bloke who just got tied to a lamp post in Scotland.

By the way, did anyone object or get sent to trial for Mussolini and that other lamp post thing a few years ago?

Think positive. A few people will make noises but will be relieved by his death. A trial would bring out things a lot of western politicians would like kept quiet.

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(might have been posted already)




Never seen this before- the western camera lenses only show us what they want us to see...this proves it!




I have gaddafis last speech in english too..


We are being played by our leaders : )

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Never seen this before- the western camera lenses only show us what they want us to see...this proves it!




I have gaddafis last speech in english too..


We are being played by our leaders : )



Africa United

Brother Leader

Libyan Jamahiriya


Thats the caterogry links of the site you linked to.


The "brother leader" is dead in a ditch. The "Libyan Jamahiriya" is no more. Get over it you excuser of the inexcusable.

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(might have been posted already)




I worked in Libya from 1999 - 2001. Gaddafi was universally hated, but no Libyan would express this opinion with another Libyan present as they could never be sure who was a government informer or spy.


Gaddafi was a power crazed dictator who did the most evil things to anyone who opposed him. However, he wasn't all bad.


He spent money on a very good road system and good hospitals. Remember the footage from Libyan hospitals? Most of them looked a lot better equipped than the Northern General.


He also provided a good system of benefits to the Libyan people. Not as much as they should have got given the oil wealth and low population, but nevertheless good by African standards. A good percentage of the oil wealth was skimmed off by corruption and hopefully the money will be better distributed in the new Libya.


They have the potential to be just as rich as Norwegians if the money is shared fairly.

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I worked in Libya from 1999 - 2001. Gaddafi was universally hated, but no Libyan would express this opinion with another Libyan present as they could never be sure who was a government informer or spy.


Gaddafi was a power crazed dictator who did the most evil things to anyone who opposed him. However, he wasn't all bad.


He spent money on a very good road system and good hospitals. Remember the footage from Libyan hospitals? Most of them looked a lot better equipped than the Northern General.


He also provided a good system of benefits to the Libyan people. Not as much as they should have got given the oil wealth and low population, but nevertheless good by African standards. A good percentage of the oil wealth was skimmed off by corruption and hopefully the money will be better distributed in the new Libya.


They have the potential to be just as rich as Norwegians if the money is shared fairly.


Although I agree there was positives, those positives were no more or less generally than anywhere in the Northern hemisphere. The difference being is that you and I have a choice..presently not the best, but choice never the less. The Libyan's didn't. Now they do hopefully and hopefully they'll carve a better future.

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That's just one person. How many did Gaddafi accord the treatment according to the Geneva convention or the Human Rights Commission?


So how is it that two wrongs make a right?


I have no tears for Gadaaffi, he was a despot, but the treatment meted out to him takes the killers down to his level of barbarism.


I have a few friends who are Libyan. I'm under no illusions about how many shades of a so-and-so Gadaaffi was.


I still stand by my earlier comment that he should have been taken alive, and tried, and due process carried out.

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