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The one and only Gaddafi thread.

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I can't help thinking that our involvement in Libya was a lot better thought out than that in Iraq. From what I can find not one British serviceman has died in the conflict and we haven't lost a single aircraft.


How is invading bombing other nations better or worse for you ?


Let's not forget Iraq war is not over American soliders are still being killed in that conflict as well as many many iraqis


We wasted millions in libya what for ?

Do you really see any good coming out of this ?

Libya was one of the highest developed nations in the world according to the united nations development index


Yes sky and BBC have painted the lbyans as being oppressed but that's just propaganda foe the Brits to support yet another war

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You could put money on him not living to TELL..... to many secrets that our governments wnat to keep secret.


I don't know which secrets he took to his grave all the facts are out there -


America attacked bombed Libya many times after he removed the western backed dictator -


He then agreed to invest billions in western banks and became pally with the likes of Blair


Blair was also paid millions by daffy ,


We sent people to be tortured there ,


Even the Pam am bombings had very weak evidence linking the regime -

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