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What has religion done for women.

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So, lets start with a verse that clearly sets a pattern as to how women need to be handled (note- please understand pre Islamic Arabia was extremely unfair to women and girls would even be buried alive.


"Nor should ye treat them with harshness that ye may Take away part of the dower ye have given them,-except where they have been guilty of open lewdness..."


Wait seriously? You've chosen this verse to try and demonstrate that Islam treats women well? Are you high?


It says to treat your wife kindly unless she is guilty of 'open lewdness'. In other words, it says that you should treat her harshly and take away her money if she is guilty of 'open lewdness'.


Isn't that exactly the kind of verse that controlling men can use to justify violence towards their wives, who in their eyes are being 'lewd'?

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Some other religions don't treat women as equals .


The UK is so lucky to have the EDL to protect the women of the land from those evil muzzies.

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, moron leader of the EDL, treats his women as equal to men.

He beats up his wife as well as male police offices trying to stop him kicking the crap out of his druggy tart slapper of a wife.

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An example. In a non-religious society, shagging around and having loads of kids to blokes a lass only met once while smashed is acceptable.


Get things right: while some in non-religious societies may find it acceptable(including the non-religious and religious), others don't(including the non-religious and religious). The religious who don't find it acceptable aren't being forced to sleep around; so maybe they should mind their own business and, at least in the case of the religious woman, go back to having loads of kids with the man they were probably forced to marry.


In most religions the family is important and that sort of stuff isn't on. That leaves a stable family unit and that's generally better for the woman and any kids.

It's sometimes less than perfect but generally better.


Family is important to many non-religious, too. It's also a fact that divorce rates amongst atheists are lower than the religious. That aside, I'm not sure what you mean by "stable family unit". Do you mean a stable family unit with two parents or one. And how is a family unit with two parents more stable than a family unit of one parent? I'm asking because I can think of many instances where a single parent family is far more stable than a family with two parents.


That lack of mega bonking also limits STDs of whatever type so women (and men) are protected from them.


Yet, at least in societies noted for their extreme religiosity - like Africa and the USA - STDs remain at an all-time high. Far higher than non-religious societies.

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All these bestial acts take place in Muslim countries.

Like demands for the execution of a British teacher for calling a pig Mohamed.

Has the women in Pakistan been executed yet, she was sentenced to death by a Mulsim court.


what teacher? cite?

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Can i ask you where you got ur quote from?


I took the quote word for word from my copy of the Koran. It's on my desk at work so I don't have any more details at hand, but I will try and remember to bring the book home on Monday.

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Best link to that story. I don't recall it and would hate to suggest you're a liar and an idiot who needs to make things up to support a cretinous political ideal until you fail to support your claim.


Sorry it was a Teddy she called Mohamed the local religious leaders demanded her death when interviewed.


The sentence handed down to Gillian Gibbons by a Sudanese court might fall short of an outrage, but it only just. The British teacher charged in Sudan with insulting Islam, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs, escaped the 40 lashes or six months in prison the judge had at his disposal, but she must still serve 15 days in a Sudanese prison. Any hopes she might have had of using her teaching experience for the benefit of that country's children are now at an end, and her experience will surely deter other would-be volunteers.



Which is a pity. Ms Gibbons went to Sudan with the most laudable of motives. Barely three months later, she found herself vilified and hauled before a Sudanese court all because she had allowed her class to name a teddy-bear, of all innocent objects, Mohamed. The saga would be laughable, had it not turned so deadly serious.


Diplomatic intervention could still reduce Ms Gibbons' sentence. But the verdict remains. A British teacher has been found guilty of insulting Islam because of a teddy-bear called Mohamed. The complaints of a zealous school official and Sudan's Islamic clerics have been upheld. The judge took a strict interpretation of the law. The inference to be drawn is that a teacher who was neither a Muslim nor a Sudanese national was unwelcome in that country.


There is bound to be some diplomatic fall-out though it will be limited because little further deterioration in relations between our two countries is possible. British representations over the Sudanese government's role in the catastrophe in Darfur have not gone down well in Khartoum. This tough stance is entirely right, but it did not help Ms Gibbons, for it meant Britain had little store of goodwill to draw on.


So long as Ms Gibbons' fate was in the balance, the Foreign Office was right to keep its interventions in the realm of a consular, rather than diplomatic, dispute. Some stronger expression of displeasure is now in order. It is no longer acceptable for the Sudanese ambassador and his spokesman to defer to treat the case and the court as something that has nothing to do with them. This is a matter between two governments, and the ambassador is his government's representative.


We hope and trust that Ms Gibbons will be released before her 15 days are up. Whatever happens, though, her case serves as a warning. We may find it ridiculous that the naming of a teddy-bear in a primary-school class should escalate into a court case and an international incident. But anyone who sets out for somewhere so culturally different, must appreciate the rules. Schools are a particularly sensitive area, as is the name and image of Mohamed. Ms Gibbons was caught up in something that, with a little more awareness of difference, might not have ended as it did.


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Sorry not a pig but a Teddy, read the reply #117


I was informed enough to know that there wasn't a story about a pig, Baseman - you're the uninformed one, trying to spread slur-stories and untruths.


there's a huge difference between the two things. one's a cuddly toy, the other's a meat-animal.

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Sorry not a pig but a Teddy, read the reply #117 to equally uninformed Upinwaffle


It was a teddy.

OK, he claims to be sorry about getting the animal wrong.

He was wrong about the punishment and neglected to mention is was never carried out anyway.

That's just the politics of some countries.

They pop in the punishment to keep the vocal minority of idiots happy but then simply kick out the "offender" instead.


Looks like I'll have to make that suggestion as I expected.


Bassman has to lie in an attempt to make his idiotic politics seem like they have some merit.


It shows the level of the political right and what a bunch of mindless morons the vast majority of them are.

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It was a teddy.

OK, he claims to be sorry about getting the animal wrong.

He was wrong about the punishment and neglected to mention is was never carried out anyway.

That's just the politics of some countries.

They pop in the punishment to keep the vocal minority of idiots happy but then simply kick out the "offender" instead.


Looks like I'll have to make that suggestion as I expected.


Bassman has to lie in an attempt to make his idiotic politics seem like they have some merit.


It shows the level of the political right and what a bunch of mindless morons the vast majority of them are.

it was no lie, as usual you're becoming offensive so the next we'll a warning due to your offensive bickering some people will do anything to get a topic closed when they're losing the debate.
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