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What has religion done for women.

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"The British teacher charged in Sudan with insulting Islam, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs, escaped the 40 lashes or six months in prison the judge had at his disposal",


All because a woman called a Teddy Mohamed (which Teddys must find insulting but being sensible they didn't call for her death) and the local leaders demanded her daeth.

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All this point scoring is ridiculous. Since when is the EDL being held up as some kind of bastion of sexual equality anyway? The point is that the EDL is not upholding an ideology or religious doctrine which deems it appropriate at best, necessary at worst, to physically chastise a woman for 'transgressing'.:roll:


Upinwath, I have yet to see a coherent and well thought through counter-argument from you. All you ever seem to do is label someone with whom you disagree as stupid or thick or trot out the argument that the decadent west with its rates of teenage pregnancy, single parents and STIs is somehow worse than the oppression of women in a number of Islamic cultures.:roll:

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All because a woman called a Teddy Mohamed (which Teddys must find insulting but being sensible they didn't call for her death) and the local leaders demanded her daeth.


Sorry, I thought you said it was a pig and she was sentenced to death.

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If you look at the numbers infected in all countries; you find Muslim countries have the lowest rates of infections.It's pretty simple to google but, in the even of you being too lazy, ask yourself why the AIDS debates always mention sub-Saharan Africa.Easy enough, the top bit is pretty much all Muslim.


Did I specifically mention Muslim countries? No, I referred to religion in general. Seeing as you mentioned 'Muslim countries', there is growing evidence that HIV rates are rising rapidly in such countries, however, the numbers, for a variety of reasons are under-reported and there appears to be a denial that it is a problem.

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Did I specifically mention Muslim countries? No, I referred to religion in general. Seeing as you mentioned 'Muslim countries', there is growing evidence that HIV rates are rising rapidly in such countries, however, the numbers, for a variety of reasons are under-reported and there appears to be a denial that it is a problem.


I can't speak for governments in many countries but I can tell you the situation here.

There is official note of the AIDS problem and the government are trying to do something about it.

The rates here still aren't too bad but there is a prostitute and drugs problem, tiny by western standards but still a problem especially in tourist areas.

Hang on.....tourist areas?

Does that mean western tourists, commonly without religion, are a major contributing factor?

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Did I specifically mention Muslim countries? No, I referred to religion in general. Seeing as you mentioned 'Muslim countries', there is growing evidence that HIV rates are rising rapidly in such countries, however, the numbers, for a variety of reasons are under-reported and there appears to be a denial that it is a problem.



I can't speak for governments in many countries but I can tell you the situation here.


Really, why not? You seem to be such a fountain of knowledge, bad manners and vulgarity especiasly you comment on another topic about schoolgirls

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If you wish for this topic to stay open, then you really need to start discussing it without resorting to name calling or continuing to bicker.


We receive many complaints that threads are removed, please don't make this another one. This is the second and last time we will ask. Any more and users will find themselves suspended or the thread gone.


We don't wish to do any of the above, so please calm it down and keep on topic.



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Really, why not? You seem to be such a fountain of knowledge, bad manners and vulgarity especiasly you comment on another topic about schoolgirls


I can't comment on the way many Muslim countries tick because I've only spent time in two majority Muslim countries.

I do know the difference between a teddy bear and a pig so I seem to be one up on you.


Back to the topic. I still maintain a religious society is a better environment for women than non religious countries, especially 'book' religions.

The three 'book' religions all lay down rules as to when sex is allowed and those rules prevent women from being sexually exploited as well as restricting the spread of STDs.

If we compare the situation in the UK at the moment, there are way too many women with kids but no husband.

That loss of family values is damaging society in general and that's no good at all for women or anyone else.


That doesn't suggest there are no problems in strictly religious countries but it does limit the incidence of such problems.


Some, right wing posters maintain religion suppresses women but totally refuse to believe their own leaders are wife beaters.

I'm not saying religion stops wife beating because it doesn't but there are men in all sections and with a variety of belief structures who beat their wives or, in the case of the EDL, drug dealing slapper girlfriends.

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An example. In a non-religious society, shagging around and having loads of kids to blokes a lass only met once while smashed is acceptable.


In most religions the family is important and that sort of stuff isn't on.

That leaves a stable family unit and that's generally better for the woman and any kids.

It's sometimes less than perfect but generally better.


That lack of mega bonking also limits STDs of whatever type so women (and men) are protected from them.

Is that why most Pakistani/muslim youths in this country are encouraged to spread their wild oats with vulnerable white teenagers,I suppose it doesnt hurt their families so thats alright then

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