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What has religion done for women.

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Is that why most Pakistani/muslim youths in this country are encouraged to spread their wild oats with vulnerable white teenagers,I suppose it doesnt hurt their families so thats alright then


How does that work then? Who does the encouraging? How many vulnerable white teenage girls are there that all these Asian teenagers are exploiting. There'd have to be tens of thousands or long queues. And what is it about white familieis that create all these vulnerable girls? Christianity? Or have you just seen a couple of isolated court cases in the papers and decided to add the word "most" when talking about these people.


If you'd care to liberate your mind here's an EDL paedo




and here are two BNP paedos




You're a white Christian Islamophobe just like those three, bassman? Does that mean you share their kinks? According to your rules about Asians you must do.

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I can't comment on the way many Muslim countries tick because I've only spent time in two majority Muslim countries.

I do know the difference between a teddy bear and a pig so I seem to be one up on you.


Back to the topic. I still maintain a religious society is a better environment for women than non religious countries, especially 'book' religions.

The three 'book' religions all lay down rules as to when sex is allowed and those rules prevent women from being sexually exploited as well as restricting the spread of STDs.

If we compare the situation in the UK at the moment, there are way too many women with kids but no husband.

That loss of family values is damaging society in general and that's no good at all for women or anyone else.


That doesn't suggest there are no problems in strictly religious countries but it does limit the incidence of such problems.


Some, right wing posters maintain religion suppresses women but totally refuse to believe their own leaders are wife beaters.

I'm not saying religion stops wife beating because it doesn't but there are men in all sections and with a variety of belief structures who beat their wives or, in the case of the EDL, drug dealing slapper girlfriends.


I am with Jimmy on this, I am staggered that anyone, other than someone who did not consider women to be their equal, could in all seriousness claim that women are better off living in a religious environment. Women are sexually exploited the world over, especially in religious communities where they are used as commodities and bartered over like some piece of meat, haggled over, traded, shipped off, often when they are still children, into some marriage or other where they have no rights and are nothing more than some brood mare. Then factor in those religions where polygamy is allowed, that is such a good and healthy environment for women.:rant:


Your comment about 'slapper girlfriends' speaks volumes about your view of women. No wonder you embrace Islam so wholeheartedly.

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No, funnily enough. If I was suggesting that I would have said it.


In future please can you argue against what I've actually said instead of making things up which I have not.


What I said was that women have it sooo much better in the secular western world, which is a statement I'm completely willing to stand behind, because it is so obviously true.





Grudgingly yes, you did acknowledge that. However you couldn't help but qualify it by claiming that the drug and prostitution problems in Indonesia are "tiny by western standards" which is completely ridiculous. Does that UNICEF stat not shock you even a little bit?


And only for the benefit of tourists, apparently.:roll:

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I can't think of anything and heard someone on the radio ask the same question.


Thought I would ask on here.


Can you give me any examples of religion doing positive things for women? Have any of the religions helped women fight for equality or the vote for instance?


I don't know of any religions which support a woman's right to have an abortion.


Any examples?


I think this counts as a positive.



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How does that work then? Who does the encouraging? How many vulnerable white teenage girls are there that all these Asian teenagers are exploiting. There'd have to be tens of thousands or long queues. And what is it about white familieis that create all these vulnerable girls? Christianity? Or have you just seen a couple of isolated court cases in the papers and decided to add the word "most" when talking about these people.


If you'd care to liberate your mind here's an EDL paedo




and here are two BNP paedos




You're a white Christian Islamophobe just like those three, bassman? Does that mean you share their kinks? According to your rules about Asians you must do.

I didnt mention paedophiles I said vulnerable white teenagers in case you have forgotten teenagers range from thirteen to nineteen the clue is in the part that says teen.Asian youths flash the money stupid young girls drop their knickers dreaming of true love ,the fault does not entirely lie on the Asian side..I blame the parents.What has Bassman to do with my post by the way ?

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I didnt mention paedophiles I said vulnerable white teenagers in case you have forgotten teenagers range from thirteen to nineteen the clue is in the part that says teen.Asian youths flash the money stupid young girls drop their knickers dreaming of true love ,the fault does not entirely lie on the Asian side..I blame the parents.What has Bassman to do with my post by the way ?


Here's an interesting article about this.



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I think this counts as a positive.




At what cost? Are you female? Have you ever lived in Iran? I maintain that the Iranian family planning programme is primarily about population control and nothing whatsoever to do with giving women greater rights and independence and control over their bodies. Try being a woman and living there. Incidentally, Iran also has the highest rates of state funded transgender reassignment surgery. That has nothing to do with liberalism but a denial and refusal to allow homosexuality as a valid life choice.

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At what cost? Are you female? Have you ever lived in Iran? I maintain that the Iranian family planning programme is primarily about population control and nothing whatsoever to do with giving women greater rights and independence and control over their bodies. Try being a woman and living there. Incidentally, Iran also has the highest rates of state funded transgender reassignment surgery. That has nothing to do with liberalism but a denial and refusal to allow homosexuality as a valid life choice.


The little I know about Iran is not good. However I heard about this on news night last night and thought it was a positive thing. A positive step regardless of motive. Other than that I think you are right.

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How does that work then? Who does the encouraging? How many vulnerable white teenage girls are there that all these Asian teenagers are exploiting. There'd have to be tens of thousands or long queues. And what is it about white familieis that create all these vulnerable girls? Christianity? Or have you just seen a couple of isolated court cases in the papers and decided to add the word "most" when talking about these people.


If you'd care to liberate your mind here's an EDL paedo




and here are two BNP paedos




You're a white Christian Islamophobe just like those three, bassman? Does that mean you share their kinks? According to your rules about Asians you must do.

Are the BNP & EDL religions?

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I think this counts as a positive.




"for the first decade after the revolution there was no family planning programme, as the authorities enforced Islamic laws and the interpretation or misinterpretation then was that Islam did not encourage people to practise family planning." - from the article.


So it was religious law - or the interpretation of religion - that prevented people from using contraception. Hardly a positive.


It isn't religion that is responsible for the family planning. It's science and reason that is responsible for the family planning.

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