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What has religion done for women.

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The religious state changed because of the influence of science and reason. In order to make that change, it went against its long-held religious beliefs - that's the positive.


Very true. What surprised me about Iran is they listened to reason.

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Have you got any videos that ask the question


What has prostitution done for women?

What has the drug culture done for women?

What has alcohol done for women?

What have men done for women?




Why are you asking me? I posted a link to a BBc Radio 2 programme (on iplayer) of the same title as this thread. I made no comment on its content.

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Grudgingly yes, you did acknowledge that. However you couldn't help but qualify it by claiming that the drug and prostitution problems in Indonesia are "tiny by western standards" which is completely ridiculous. Does that UNICEF stat not shock you even a little bit?


Nothing forced out of me. I popped it in a post to show fairness.


Various reports on the AIDS situation in Indonesia suggest the same thing. The majority of the problem is in the mentioned groups and their customers.

Of course there are prostitutes here, only an idiot would deny such a thing but I do maintain my position.

The people most at risk of AIDS/other STDs are the ones least likely to follow rules laid down in 'book' religions.

The same goes for all other sexual exploitation of women.

The book religions share a common thread in they exclude such exploitation.


How many time have you been in some boozer and heard, I'd like to shag that" or similar?

What are the rape stats like in the UK?

How many women are abused in the UK?


Of course there are also problems in religious countries but they tend to be less so.


What is the greater abuse.

A woman living in a non religious society that can shag around, has the right to STDs and has to look after kids on her own or a woman in a stable marriage, where the husband has set responsibilities that are community driven?

I knew two wife beaters in the UK. Both could still go drinking with their mates.

I know of one here. He had to plead with village officials to be allowed to live in the village and no bugger wants to know him.

He can't get a job locally and never gets invited to local events.


Sounds like protection of women to me.


In another thread regarding the London stupid commies trying to smash capitalism (in their dreams), there was a link telling how the press were opening tents at night, trying to interview people. The link talked of women, alone being hounded by the press.

If that happened here, the hack would get a smack and maybe arrested for doing that.

Local social rules, based on religion, exclude that as wrong.

No hack would do it or he would be out of a job.


Can you enlighten me as to the better set of rules?

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I am with Jimmy on this, I am staggered that anyone, other than someone who did not consider women to be their equal, could in all seriousness claim that women are better off living in a religious environment. Women are sexually exploited the world over, especially in religious communities where they are used as commodities and bartered over like some piece of meat, haggled over, traded, shipped off, often when they are still children, into some marriage or other where they have no rights and are nothing more than some brood mare. Then factor in those religions where polygamy is allowed, that is such a good and healthy environment for women.:rant:


Your comment about 'slapper girlfriends' speaks volumes about your view of women. No wonder you embrace Islam so wholeheartedly.


Nice post. Total crap but nice.


I'll start with the slapper. The beaten woman in question is a drug dealing tart who stayed with a man who is known to be violent.

Sounds like I came up with a reasonable comment but missed out 'daft' before slapper.

I'm still awaiting an answer from bassman on that.

he claims abuse is all by Muslims but has yet to confirm Lennon is a Muslim.


I'm married. My wife is, as most wives are, the effective boss.

I may earn the money and be the 'legal' head of the house but, get real, women are always the ones to lay down the rules.

Women are sexually exploited all over the world but, if the rules in book religions are followed, they would not be.

A major abuse out here is prostitution and much of that is in tourist areas.

Guess what, the tourists who use pros tend to be non religious.


Lets look at abuse and treating women as meat.

"I'd like to shag that", said the drunk.



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Nice post. Total crap but nice.


I'll start with the slapper. The beaten woman in question is a drug dealing tart who stayed with a man who is known to be violent.

Sounds like I came up with a reasonable comment but missed out 'daft' before slapper.

I'm still awaiting an answer from bassman on that.

he claims abuse is all by Muslims but has yet to confirm Lennon is a Muslim.


I'm married. My wife is, as most wives are, the effective boss.

I may earn the money and be the 'legal' head of the house but, get real, women are always the ones to lay down the rules.

Women are sexually exploited all over the world but, if the rules in book religions are followed, they would not be.

A major abuse out here is prostitution and much of that is in tourist areas.

Guess what, the tourists who use pros tend to be non religious.


Lets look at abuse and treating women as meat.

"I'd like to shag that", said the drunk.




I don't see anyone claiming claiming that abuse is confined to Muslim communities.:roll: What utter tosh.


I cannot engage with someone on a serious level who constantly refers to women as tarts and slappers. What rule book are you following? The Madonna/Whore one?

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Nothing forced out of me. I popped it in a post to show fairness.


Various reports on the AIDS situation in Indonesia suggest the same thing. The majority of the problem is in the mentioned groups and their customers.

Of course there are prostitutes here, only an idiot would deny such a thing but I do maintain my position.

The people most at risk of AIDS/other STDs are the ones least likely to follow rules laid down in 'book' religions.

The same goes for all other sexual exploitation of women.

The book religions share a common thread in they exclude such exploitation.

The Abrahamic texts all talk about taking the women of your enemies as sex slaves so I'm not sure which book you are talking about.


How many time have you been in some boozer and heard, I'd like to shag that" or similar?
?!? What relevance does that have to anything?


Of course there are also problems in religious countries but they tend to be less so.
A claim presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Can you substantiate that?


What is the greater abuse.

A woman living in a non religious society that can shag around, has the right to STDs and has to look after kids on her own or a woman in a stable marriage, where the husband has set responsibilities that are community driven?

What a ridiculously loaded question.


How about if I asked you what is the greater abuse? A woman who has the freedom to dress how she wants, learn what she wants, do whatever she wants for a living, sleep with whomever she wants, spend her free time however she wants or a woman in a controlling marriage who is forced to dress a certain way, remain ignorant, stay at home and obey her husband like the good book says, unless she gets a beating?


You gonna answer that one? Didn't think so, so why would I answer yours?



I knew two wife beaters in the UK. Both could still go drinking with their mates.

I know of one here. He had to plead with village officials to be allowed to live in the village and no bugger wants to know him.

He can't get a job locally and never gets invited to local events.

Forgive me for being totally unconvinced by your weak anecdotal evidence.


Can you enlighten me as to the better set of rules?
Better than what?
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I cannot engage with someone on a serious level who constantly refers to women as tarts and slappers. What rule book are you following? The Madonna/Whore one?


He also occasionally talks about how he'd like to see people's skulls crushed in and his signature talks about how he wants someone to die, a real nice bloke, it would seem, forward thinking, like. :rolleyes:

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