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What has religion done for women.

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. . . .. in fact, in the 7th century, when the scriptures were being revealed, these rights were conferred on women, when, a thousand years later, in the west, the debate was still going on about whether women, . . .. had souls, were worthy of salvation)
Have we come up with an answer to that one yet?
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From a site that despite its title has an anti religious bias.


Change in status: Jesus' radical treatment of women:

He taught women students: Jewish tradition at the time was to not allow women to be taught. Rabbi Eliezer wrote in the 1st century CE: "Rather should the words of the Torah be burned than entrusted to a woman...Whoever teaches his daughter the Torah is like one who teaches her obscenity." 5 Jesus overthrew centuries of tradition. In Luke 10:38-42, he taught Mary, sister of Martha.

And yet Muslims executed women in Kabul on the orders of the religious (Muslim) leaders for learning to read and many other things, women beaten for going out unacompanied.

These babarous acts have done a great deal to get Islam disliked especialy when the silence from other Muslims is deafening.

It is almost entirely women who suffer ridiculous/barbaric punishments such as being charged with adultry for being raped and sentenced to stoning.

These barbaric acts all take place in Countries where Islam predominates.

At least Jesus wasn't like the above, remember what he said when a woman adultress was about to be stoned "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

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. . . . . . .At least Jesus wasn't like the above, remember what he said when a woman adultress was about to be stoned "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Then in came a half brick, hit her in the middle of the head and she dropped dead. Jesus turned to a woman in the crowd and said 'Mother, that wasn't what I meant'.
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I think that whilstever any religion that does not confer the right of women to fully participate in religious ceremonies and rituals, share a place of worship (rather than be segregated) and lead prayers, such differentials contribute to the overall perception that women are secondary or inferior to men, and therefore have fewer rights. This is before we even get onto issues such as access to divorce, control over one's own body etc.

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I think that whilstever any religion that does not confer the right of women to fully participate in religious ceremonies and rituals, share a place of worship (rather than be segregated) and lead prayers, such differentials contribute to the overall perception that women are secondary or inferior to men, and therefore have fewer rights. This is before we even get onto issues such as access to divorce, control over one's own body etc.


So if you wanted to change something you would go to the church whatever that is. You wouldn't lobby government!


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I can't think of anything and heard someone on the radio ask the same question.


Thought I would ask on here.


Can you give me any examples of religion doing positive things for women? Have any of the religions helped women fight for equality or the vote for instance?


I don't know of any religions which support a woman's right to have an abortion.


Any examples?


It's made me laugh once or twice cos it's plain crazy but other than that, nowt!

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So if you wanted to change something you would go to the church whatever that is. You wouldn't lobby government!



Lobbying government may change a law..it doesn't change the perception of women in the minds of certain individuals, in or outside religious circles.

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Lobbying government may change a law..it doesn't change the perception of women in the minds of certain individuals, in or outside religious circles.


Perhaps this is one area where the church along with social workers can come into it's own by working to change the hearts and minds of people on a personal basis?


Just for the record the church I attended made no distinctions and has always allowed women to participate fully in all areas. :)

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