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Secret Service pull in school boy for project!

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A US schoolboy ended up being questioned by Secret Service agents after he made counterfeit $10 bills for his economics class. Secret Service spokesman Thomas Impasato said the Clarke County, Alabama, student had printed the $10 bills on a "simple, cheap printer". He gave them to classmates at Clarke Preparatory School in Grove Hill because the presentation requirements included a handout.


But he failed to collect them afterwards and one student tried to spend one at a local shop, reports the Mobile Register. "It was a darker colour and whoever done it, it wasn't too good a counterfeit," said store owner Robert Garrick.


The Secret Service, whose job is to protect the US money supply - as well as the president, interviewed the boy who made the bills, his mother, the school headmaster and the teacher. Eventually, agents turned the matter over to local investigators because the boy is a juvenile. Clarke County officials say the case should be wrapped up this week. - source


"Wrapped up this week" ?? I would hope so! Surely all they have to do is say "sorry" and let the poor kid go...



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they will probably have to find out how he did it as a full investigation - and spend more money- even though tey already know. they have to make a fuss about it, its the law in america


"we must make as much fuss over nothing as possible, we can even make things up so we can make a fuss!!!"

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apparently the latest version of Photoshop (CS) recognises if you scan money, and refuses to print / save it.


Doesn't seem to happen with v7 though!


Apparently most colour photocopiers will not let you copy money. Don't have one to try it out though...

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