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Protesters camped at St Pauls

Should the protester move away from St Pauls, bearing in mind that the chur  

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  1. 1. Should the protester move away from St Pauls, bearing in mind that the chur

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The church are now considering a forced removal of the protesters, its time the protesters acted reasonably and moved without being forced.

They have abused the churches good will.


The church has missed a trick here if they do this - They could have made themselves some great publicity, especially in these days where *some* religions have made themselves appear evil and twisted, Christianity could have come out as a beacon of light in some very dark days...

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The church are now considering a forced removal of the protesters whilst the protesters continue to abuse the churches good will, its time the protesters acted reasonably and moved without being forced.


"St Paul's and other nearby institutions have consulted lawyers about possible efforts to forcibly evict the protesters"


What are the other institutions I wonder? Some of their top employees will be making more than the £20k/day St Pauls says it is losing. If they care about St Pauls why don't they help it?


A forced, potentially violent removal of protestors by City institutions using St Pauls as a cover would be utterly devastating for the CofE. It won't happen.

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"St Paul's and other nearby institutions have consulted lawyers about possible efforts to forcibly evict the protesters"


What are the other institutions I wonder? Some of their top employees will be making more than the £20k/day St Pauls says it is losing. If they care about St Pauls why don't they help it?


A forced, potentially violent removal of protestors by City institutions using St Pauls as a cover would be utterly devastating for the CofE. It won't happen.


It shouldn't need to happen, the protesters should go and protest somewhere else.

They are just abusing the churches good will.

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So you only think the church should offer refuge to people that you support. OK


It's reached that point has it.


They can take in who they like it makes no odds to me, I don't support them I just appreciate what they're trying to do. The inconvenience as you call it will hopefully be the start of something that will make governments think before they act. Up to this point they've pretty much done what they want with no meaningful protest. You can twist and turn the debate as you like I have no issue with the protesters at all.

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I don’t think the church should be obliged to offer me refuge nor do I think it should be obliged to protesters refuge as Murphy Jnr thinks.


You've taken what I said out of context, what I said was that the church 'traditionally' offered refuge not that it had. They've allowed the protesters to camp in church grounds.

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The church are now considering a forced removal of the protesters whilst the protesters continue to abuse the churches good will, its time the protesters acted reasonably and moved without being forced.


And if the protesters wish to keep public sympathies on their side it would be a good move on their part, this much i agree with.

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It should need to happen, the protesters should go and protest somewhere else.

They are just abusing the churches good will.


Arguably, the protestors are doing something that fits very neatly with the Christian ethos.


That is the problem for St Pauls. Maybe being surrounded with greed has rubbed off on them and they can't see past their 16,000 pieces of silver a day.


Don't be fooled, the CofE has over £5bn in assets.

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The amount of mis-information on this topic is unbelievable. At some point soon, this forum needs to rid itself of its trolls before it becomes an internet version of the Daily Mail.


I went to #OccupyLSX on the first day of the protest. We all met at Paternoster Way and tried to get to the Stock Exchange but the lovely MET police force had it blocked on all sides.


The 5000 people/protesters in the group where then kettled by the MET surrounding all the sides of St Pauls, for the next 4 hours. The protestors decided at this point to camp here. The staff from St Pauls came out to us on the steps at one point, and told us if we required water or toilets we could use their facilities which we thought was a lovely gesture. Within 2 hours though the MET closed these options down.


I then went home with my friends after the police kindly stopped the kettle and allowed us out. I followed the protesters on the twitter feed and noted they camped outside St Pauls and within a few hours the Rev. had come out and given his full support and blessing.


Of course, within a few days, the trustees of St Pauls, whom are predominately BANKERS started hankering the church to have the protest stopped. You see is not enough that they have our politicians, police and press in their back pockets. They now wanted the Church to turn their back on the people.


Here's a list of the Trustees of St Pauls :-



The Right Reverend Graeme Knowles, Dean of St Paul’s

Dame Helen Alexander DBE Deputy chair of the CBI, director of Centrica plc

Lord Blair of Boughton Former Metropolitan Police Commissioner

Roger Gifford Investment banker, big in City of London

John Harvey – Not clearly identified

Joyce Hytner OBE – Theatre director

Gavin Ralston Global Head of Product and leading international asset manager at Schroder Investment Management

Carol Sergeant CBE - Chief Risk Director at Lloyds TSB, formerly Managing Director for Regulatory Process and Risk at the FSA

John Spence OBE – Former Managing Director, Business Banking, LloydsTSB


Now it’s not for me to judge.


But that looks like a very high association rate with the 1% to me.

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